Set_read_data_valid_delay(), Using the basic slave test program api, Advanced slave api definition – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

Page 344: Example 11-12. set_read_data_valid_delay(), Fer to, Advanced slave api, Definition, Cedures

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT

April 2014


The set_read_data_valid_delay() procedure has two prototypes (path_id is optional), and
configures the RVALID signal to be delayed by a number of ACLK cycles with the effect of
delaying the start of a read data phase (beat). The delay value of the RVALID signal is stored in
the data_valid_delay transaction field.

The code below shows the RVALID signal delay set to two ACLK periods. You may edit this
function to change the RVALID signal delay.

Example 11-12. set_read_data_valid_delay()

-- Procedure : set_read_data_valid_delay
-- This will set the ready delay for write data phase
procedure set_read_data_valid_delay(id : integer; signal tr_if : inout
axi4_vhd_if_struct_t) is
variable burst_length : integer;
set_data_valid_delay(2, id, index, tr_if);
end set_read_data_valid_delay;


In addition to the above variables and procedures, you can configure other aspects of the
AXI4-Lite Slave BFM by using these procedures:


” on page 218 and


” on page 220.

Using the Basic Slave Test Program API

There is a set of variables and procedures that you can use to create stimulus scenarios based on
a memory-model slave with a minimal amount of editing, as described in “

Basic Slave API


” on page 341.

Consider the following configuration when using the slave test program.

Advanced Slave API Definition


You are not required to edit the following Advance Slave API unless you require a
different response than the default (OKAY) response.

The remaining section of this tutorial presents a walk-through of the Advanced Slave API in the
slave test program. It consists of five main processes—






, handle_response, and


—in the slave test program, as shown in

Figure 11-3

. There are additional




, and


processes to handle the handshake AWREADY, ARREADY, and

WREADY signals, respectively.