Configuration and initialization, Create and execute write transactions, Example 11-2 – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 337: Below shows the rready signal delaye
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Slave DUT
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
April 2014
Example 11-2. m_rd_data_phase_ready_delay
-- Variable : m_rd_data_phase_ready_delay
signal m_rd_data_phase_ready_delay : integer := 2;
Configuration and Initialization
The master test process creates and executes read and write transactions. The whole process
runs concurrently with other processes in the test program, using the path_id = AXI4_PATH_0.
See “
Overloaded Procedure Common Arguments
” on page 151 for details of path_id.
The process waits for the ARESETn signal to be deasserted, followed by a positive ACLK edge,
as shown in
. This satisfies the protocol requirements in Section A3.1.2 of the
AXI Protocol Specification.
Example 11-3. Configuration and Initialization
-- Master test
variable tr_id: integer;
variable data_words : std_logic_vector(AXI4_MAX_BIT_SIZE-1 downto 0);
variable lp: line;
wait_on(AXI4_RESET_0_TO_1, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
wait_on(AXI4_CLOCK_POSEDGE, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
Create and Execute Write Transactions
To generate AXI4-Lite protocol traffic, the master test program must create a transaction before
executing it. The code shown in
providing only the start address argument of the transaction.
This example has an AXI4-Lite write data bus width of 32 bits; therefore, a single beat of data
conveys 4 bytes across the data bus. The call to the
procedure sets the first
element of the data_words transaction field with the value 1 on byte lane 1, with a result of
x”0000_0100”. However, the AXI4-Lite protocol permits narrow transfers with the use of the
write strobes signal WSTRB to indicate which byte lane contains valid write data, and therefore
indicates to the slave DUT which data byte lane will be written into memory. The write strobes
WSTRB signal indicates to the slave which byte lane contains valid write data to be written to
the slave memory. Similarly, you can call the
procedure to set the first
element of the write_strobes transaction field with the value 2, indicating that only byte lane 1
contains valid data. Calling the
procedure executes the transaction on the
protocol signals.
All other transaction fields default to legal protocol values (see
procedure for details).