Handle_write_resp_ready(), Tasks – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 121
SystemVerilog Tutorials
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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
April 2014
The handle_write_resp_ready() task handles the BREADY signal for the write response
channel. In a forever loop, it delays the assertion of the BREADY signal based on the settings of
If the master_delay_ready_mode = AXI4_VALID2READY, then the BREADY signal is
immediately deasserted using the nonblocking call to the
waits for a write channel response phase to occur with a call to the blocking
task. A received write response phase indicates that the BVALID
signal has been asserted, triggering the starting point for the delay of the BREADY signal by the
number of ACLK cycles defined by
. After the delay, another
call to the
task to assert the BREADY signal completes the
BREADY handling. The seen_valid_ready flag is set to indicate the end of a response phase
when both BVALID and BREADY are asserted, and the completion of the write transaction.
If the master_delay_ready_mode = AXI4_TRANS2READY, then a check of the
seen_valid_ready flag is performed to indicate that a previous write transaction has completed.
If a write transaction is still active (indicated by either BVALID or BREADY not asserted),
then the code waits until the previous write transaction has completed. The BREADY signal is
deasserted using the nonblocking call to the
number of ACLK cycles defined by
task to assert the BREADY signal completes the BREADY
handling. The seen_valid_ready flag is cleared to indicate that only BREADY has been