Handle_write_resp_ready, Handle_read_data_ready, Example 11-6. process handle_write_resp_ready – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

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VHDL Tutorials

Verifying a Slave DUT

Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


April 2014


The handle write response ready process handles the BREADY signal for the write response
channel. The whole process runs concurrently with other processes in the test program, using
the path_id = AXI4_PATH_5. See “

Overloaded Procedure Common Arguments

” on page 151

for details of path_id, as shown in the

Example 11-6


The initial wait for the ARESETn signal to be deactivated, followed by a positive ACLK edge,
satisfies the protocol requirement detailed in Section A3.1.2 of the AXI Protocol Specification.

The BREADY signal is deasserted using the nonblocking call to the


procedure and waits for a write channel response phase to occur

with a call to the blocking


procedure. A received write response

phase indicates that the BVALID signal has been asserted, triggering the starting point for the
delay of the BREADY signal. In a loop it delays the assertion of BREADY based on the setting
of the


variable. After the delay, another call to the


procedure to assert the BREADY signal completes the BREADY


Example 11-6. Process handle_write_resp_ready

-- handle_write_resp_ready : write response ready through path 5.
-- This method assert/de-assert the write response channel ready signal.
-- Assertion and de-assertion is done based on following variable's value:
-- m_wr_resp_phase_ready_delay

variable tmp_ready_delay : integer;


wait_on(AXI4_RESET_0_TO_1, index, AXI4_PATH_5, axi4_tr_if_5(index));
wait_on(AXI4_CLOCK_POSEDGE, index, AXI4_PATH_5, axi4_tr_if_5(index));

wait until m_wr_resp_phase_ready_delay > 0;
tmp_ready_delay := m_wr_resp_phase_ready_delay;
execute_write_resp_ready(0, 1, index, AXI4_PATH_5,


get_write_response_cycle(index, AXI4_PATH_5, axi4_tr_if_5(index));
if(tmp_ready_delay > 1) then

for i in 0 to tmp_ready_delay-2 loop

wait_on(AXI4_CLOCK_POSEDGE, index, AXI4_PATH_5,


end loop;

end if;
execute_write_resp_ready(1, 1, index, AXI4_PATH_5,


end loop;

end process;


The handle read data ready process handles the RREADY signal for the read data channel. It
delays the assertion of the RREADY signal based on the setting of the