Bfm slave test program, Basic slave api definition, Internal memory – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 341: Example 11-7. internal memory
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
April 2014
BFM Slave Test Program
The slave test program is a memory model that contains two APIs:
allows you to create a wide range of stimulus scenarios
to test a master DUT. This API definition simplifies the creation of slave stimulus based
on the default response of OKAY to master read and write transactions.
allows you to create additional response scenarios
to transactions.
For a complete code listing of the slave test program, refer to “
Basic Slave API Definition
The Basic Slave Test Program API contains the following elements:
byte of data to
to configure
the delay of the read data channel RVALID, and write response channel BVALID
signals, respectively.
configure the delay of the read/write address channel AWVALID/ARVALID signals,
to configure the delay of the write response channel
BVALID signal.
Internal Memory
The internal memory for the slave is defined as an array of 8 bits, so that each byte of data is
stored as an address/data pair.
Example 11-7. Internal Memory
type memory_t is array (0 to 2**16-1) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
shared variable mem : memory_t;