Handle_write_addr_ready, Example 11-17. handle_response, Example 11-17 – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 350
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT
April 2014
Example 11-17. handle_response
-- handle_response : write response phase through path 2
-- This method sends the write response phase
variable write_trans: integer;
pop_transaction_id(write_trans, AXI4_QUEUE_ID_2, index,
AXI4_PATH_2, axi4_tr_if_2(index));
set_wr_resp_valid_delay(write_trans, AXI4_PATH_2,
execute_write_response_phase(write_trans, index, AXI4_PATH_2,
tmp_config_num_outstanding_wr_phase :=
tmp_config_num_outstanding_wr_phase - 1;
end loop;
end process;
The handle_write_addr_ready process handles the AWREADY signal for the write address
channel. It uses a unique path identifier to work concurrently with other processes.
The handling of the AWREADY signal begins an ACLK period after the ARESETn signal is
inactive, as shown in
. In a loop, the AWREADY signal is deasserted using the
nonblocking call to the
procedure and blocks for a write channel
address phase to occur with a call to the blocking
procedure. A received
write address phase indicates that the AWVALID signal has been asserted, triggering the
starting point for the delay of the AWREADY signal by the number of ACLK cycles defined by
. Another call to the
assert the AWREADY signal completes the AWREADY handling.