Create and execute read transactions, E code excerpt in, Example 6-5 – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

Page 120

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


SystemVerilog Tutorials
Verifying a Slave DUT

April 2014

Example 6-5. Create and Execute Write Transactions

** Traffic generation: **
// 4 x Writes
// Write data value 1 on byte lanes 1 to address 1.
trans = bfm.create_write_transaction(1);
$display ( "@ %t, master_test_program: Writing data (1) to address (1)",

// By default it will run in Blocking mode

In the master test program, three subsequent write transactions are created and executed in a
similar manner to

Example 6-5

. See the “

SystemVerilog AXI4-Lite Master BFM Test


” on page 385 for details.

Create and Execute Read Transactions

The code excerpt in

Example 6-6

reads the data that has been previously written into the slave

memory. The master test program first creates a read transaction trans by calling the


function, providing only the start address argument.

The read data is obtained by calling the get_data_words function to get the data_words
transaction field value. The result of the read data is compared with the expected data, and a
message displays the transcript.

Example 6-6. Create and Execute Read Transactions

// Read data from address 1.
trans = bfm.create_read_transaction(1);

if (trans.get_data_words == 32'h0000_0100)

$display ( "@ %t, master_test_program: Read correct data (1) at

address (1)", $time);


$display ( "@ %t master_test_program: Error: Expected data (1) at

address 1, but got %d", $time, trans.get_data_words);

In the master test program, three subsequent read transactions are created and executed in a
similar manner to

Example 6-6

. “

SystemVerilog AXI4-Lite Master BFM Test Program

” on

page 385 listing for details.