Slave bfm configuration, Table 4-1. slave bfm signal width parameters – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


SystemVerilog Slave BFM
Slave BFM Configuration

April 2014

Slave BFM Configuration

The slave BFM supports the full range of signals defined for the AMBA AXI Protocol
Specification. It has parameters you can use to configure the widths of the address and data
signals, and transaction fields to configure timeout factors, and setup and hold times, and so on.

You can change the address and data signal widths from their default settings by assigning them
with new values, usually performed in the top-level module of the test bench. These new values
are then passed into the slave BFM using a parameter port list of the slave BFM module. For
example, the code extract below shows the slave BFM with the address and data signal widths
defined in module top() and passed in to the slave_test_program parameter port list:

module top ();

parameter AXI4_ADDRESS_WIDTH = 24;
parameter AXI4_RDATA_WIDTH = 16;
parameter AXI4_WDATA_WIDTH = 16;

slave_test_program #(AXI4_ADDRESS_WIDTH, AXI4_RDATA_WIDTH,

AXI4_WDATA_WIDTH) bfm_slave(....);

Table 4-1

lists the parameter names for the address and data signals, and their default values.

Table 4-1. Slave BFM Signal Width Parameters

Signal Width Parameter



Address signal width in bits. This applies to the
ARADDR and AWADDR signals. Refer to the AMBA
AXI Protocol Specification for more details. Default: 32


Read data signal width in bits. This applies to the
RDATA signals. Refer to the AMBA AXI Protocol
Specification for more details. Default: 64.


Write data signal width in bits. This applies to the
WDATA signals. Refer to the AMBA AXI Protocol
Specification for more details. Default: 64.


Ignored for the SystemVerilog slave BFM.


The maximum number of outstanding read transactions
that can be accepted by the slave BFM. This parameter is
set with the Qsys Parameter Editor. See “

Running the

Qsys Tool

” on page 356. for details.

Default: 16.