Do_byte_read(), Do_byte_write(), M_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 342: Example 11-8. m_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay, Cedures, That read and write a
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT
April 2014
procedure reads a data byte from the
address location addr, as shown below.
You can edit this procedure to modify the way the read data is extracted from the internal
-- Procedure : do_byte_read
-- Procedure to provide read data byte from memory at particular input
-- address
procedure do_byte_read(addr : in std_logic_vector(AXI4_MAX_BIT_SIZE-1
downto 0); data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) is
data := mem(to_integer(addr));
end do_byte_read;
The do_byte_write() procedure when called writes a data byte to the
given an address location addr, as shown below.
You can edit this procedure to modify the way the write data is stored in the internal memory.
-- Procedure : do_byte_write
-- Procedure to write data byte to memory at particular input address
procedure do_byte_write(addr : in std_logic_vector(AXI4_MAX_BIT_SIZE-1
downto 0); data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) is
mem(to_integer(addr)) := data;
end do_byte_write;
The m_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay variable holds the AWREADY signal delay. The delay
value extends the length of the write address phase by a number of ACLK cycles. The starting
point of the delay is determined by the assertion of the AWVALID signal.
shows the AWREADY signal delayed by two ACLK cycles. You can edit this
variable to change the AWREADY signal delay.
Example 11-8. m_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay
-- Variable : m_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay
signal m_wr_addr_phase_ready_delay : integer := 2;