Process_write, Handle_write, Example 11-15. process_write – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 348: Ts of five main processes
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT
April 2014
The process_write process works in a similar way as previously described for
uses unique path and queue identifiers to work concurrently with other processes, as shown in
Example 11-15. process_write
-- process_write : write address phase through path 0
-- This process keep receiving write address phase and push the
-- transaction into queue through push_transaction_id API.
variable write_trans : integer;
wait_on(AXI4_RESET_0_TO_1, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
wait_on(AXI4_CLOCK_POSEDGE, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
create_slave_transaction(write_trans, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
get_write_addr_phase(write_trans, index, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
tmp_config_num_outstanding_wr_phase, index,
AXI4_PATH_3, axi4_tr_if_0(index));
push_transaction_id(write_trans, AXI4_QUEUE_ID_0, index,
end loop;
end process;
The handle_write process works in a similar way to that previously described for
The main difference is that the write transaction handling gets the write data and stores it in the
slave test program
, and adhering to the state of the WSTRB write strobes
signals. There is an additional
into a queue so that the process can send a
write response phase for the transaction, as shown in