5 installer menu – EVCO c-pro CLIMA sistema Installer manual User Manual

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Installer menu

The installer menu is level 2, i.e. used to insert the installer level password or higher in order to
display/modify the parameters present in this branch.

From this menu it is possible to view and set the configuration of the system managed from the
MCCT application.

Entering the I/O CONFIGURATION menu it is possible to set the type of analogue inputs, the
polarity of the digital inputs and the calibration values of the analogue outputs used in the

Entering the GENERAL PARAMETERS menu, it is possible to define the main features present in
the controlled system such as the presence and type of the heating/cooling elements (boiler, chiller,
heat pump), the number of delivery lines and the number of MCZN zone regulators present, the
presence of the MCPS module for the management of the DHW tank and/or the solar panels
system, the presence or not of the public Vgraph display, as well as the possibility of changing the
serial communication parameters both CANbus (c-pro CLIMA controllers network) and Modbus
(towards the RICS supervision system or other BMS systems).

Entering the DELIVERY LINES menu, it is possible to define the main features relative to the
delivery lines present and enabled in the controlled system such as the type of delivery lines
present, the presence of the mixing valve, the management method of the circulation pumps and the
definition of their type of protection digital input.

Finally the PASSWORDS menu allows to display and modify the 3 password levels present in the