EVCO c-pro CLIMA sistema Installer manual User Manual

Page 23

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Page 23

MCCT thermal power plant controller settings:
Below find the settings to make on the MCCT regulator to make Vgraph a private module:
From the Installer

General parameters disable the presence of the public V-graph display via

Enab. V-GRAPH.

MCZN zone controllers settings:
Below find the settings to make on the MCZN regulators to make Vgraph a private module:
From the Installer

General parameters menu, enable the presence of the private V-graph display

by setting the V-GRAPH mode parameter in AB.


Zone private terminal

If the Vgraph display is configured as a private zone terminal (A+B), every Vgraph display will be
able to only show the preselected MCZN zone regulator, and only the zone selected (Zone A or
Zone B) managed by the MCZN controller.

As an example, an individually owned villa on two floors.
A Vgraph display will be installed for each zone controlled (living room, bedroom, bathroom),
which will establish temperatures and time bands for the Zone where the display is installed,
without possibility of displaying or modifying the settings of the other zones present.

Vgraph settings:
Below find the network settings to be made on Vgraph to make it a private zone terminal (for the
setting procedures, consult the Vgraph hardware manual):
CANbus address:
For connection to ZONE A:

100 + address of the MCZN zone regulator to which the
connection is to be made

For connection to ZONE B:

110 + address of the MCZN zone regulator to which the
connection is to be made

CANbus map:

Network node



MCZN associated

controller address