Echo freeze delay, Delay main, Delay setup – Elektron Octatrack User Manual

Page 177: Delay main delay setup

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The delay adds echoes to the affected signal. The special echo freeze functionality makes it possible to
repeat a portion of a sound.


TIME controls the delay time of the delay loop.
The actual delay time is relative to the current
tempo, and it is measured in 256th notes. For
instance, for a one beat delay (four 16th notes)
delay time should be set to 64. By setting
SYNC to off, the delay time will not be relative
to the tempo.

FB controls how much of the delay output
sound will be fed back into the input of the
delay. Using the delay feedback you can make
delays with several or infinite echoes.

VOL sets the main volume of the delay output.

BASE controls the high pass filtering of the
signal from the delay feedback loop.

WDTH controls the low pass filtering of the sig-
nal from the delay feedback loop, relative the
BASE parameter.

SEND controls how much of the signal that will
be sent to the delay.


X sets if the delay will act as a ping-pong delay
or not.

TAPE sets the mode of the delay. An ON set-
ting will make the delay interpolate between
delay times when the TIME parameter in the
DELAY MAIN page is changed. An OFF set-
ting will not interpolate between the delay
times when the TIME parameter is changed.

DIR sets the how much of the dry signal that
will be mixed with the delay signal. A min set-
ting will make only the delay signal be heard.

SYNC controls whether the delay should be
tempo synced or not.

LOCK will when activated make it possible for
the delay to function as repeater effect. If the
FB parameter of the DELAY MAIN page is set
to 127, setting SEND to 0 will repeat the con-
tent of the delay buffer infinitely. Lower FB val-
ues will make the buffer fade out gradually.
SEND settings other than 0 deactivates the
repeats. TIME controls the length of the
repeats. Please note that if PASS is set to 0,
VOL of the DELAY MAIN page will not affect
the amplitude of the delay buffer signal.

PASS controls how the dry signal will be
routed when the LOCK setting is activated. A
setting of 1 will mix in dry signal, setting of 0
will make only the delay buffer be heard -
which is preferable for repeater use. The vol-
ume of the dry signal is controlled by DIR.
When PASS is activated, the volume of the
delay buffer is controlled by the VOL parame-
ter of the DELAY MAIN page. When deacti-
vated, VOL do not affect the buffer signal.

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