Elektron Octatrack User Manual

Page 111

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DELETE SLICE will delete the selected slice. This alternative only appears when
the waveform marker is positioned on a slice.

REVERSE SLICE will reverse the audio content of the selected slice.

NORMALIZE SLICE will apply normalization to the selected slice.

DELETE ALL SLICES will delete all slices.

CREATE SLICE GRID will create a number of slices spread out between the start
and end points set in the TRIM menu. The slice grid can consist of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12,
16, 24, 32, 48 or 64 slices. After creating the slice grid a prompt will appear asking
“ALIGN MARKERS TO ZERO-CROSSES?”. If [ENTER/YES] is pressed the slices
in the grid will be adjusted to the nearest zero amplitude crossings. If [EXIT/NO] is
pressed the slices will be spread out evenly and all slices will have the exact same

CREATE LINEAR LOCKS will, given the active track contains a Flex or Static
machine, automatically set the SLIC parameter in the PLAYBACK SETUP menu to
ON and lock the STRT parameter of sample trigs already present on the active track.
The STRT parameter of the first sample trig will be locked to SL1, the STRT param-
eter of the second sample trig locked to SL2 and so on. The locked STRT values are
dependent on the amount of slices in the sample. If only one slice exist all sample
trigs will for example be locked to SL1. If SLIC is turned off, the value of the STRT
locks will revert to approximations of the slice start points:

SLIC set to ON, STRT set to SL1 = STRT 0 when SLIC is set to OFF
SLIC set to ON, STRT set to SL2 = STRT 2 when SLIC is set to OFF
SLIC set to ON, STRT set to SL3 = STRT 4 when SLIC is set to OFF
SLIC set to ON, STRT set to SL4 = STRT 6 when SLIC is set to OFF

Note that turning off SLIC may change the structure of a sample completely.

mand, but randomizes the locked STRT parameters of the sample trigs.

CHANGE VIEW changes the waveform visualization if a stereo sample is used. It
works just like the same command found in the TRIM EDIT menu.

Use the waveform marker or press the [RIGHT] or [LEFT] arrow keys to navigate between
the slices. A slice needs to be active, which is indicated by inverted graphics, for slice start,
loop and end points to be set. When a slice is active knob A sets the start point, knob B
sets the loop point and knob C sets the end point. When moving the start, loop or end
points, their sample exact position will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

Due to the nature of Compact Flash cards, Static sample slices might not be
played back correctly when modulating the STRT parameter with the crossfader
or the track LFOs. The start point of the slices might then be off. This problem is
avoided when using parameter locks. Flex samples don’t have this problem
because of them being stored in the RAM memory.

This manual is related to the following products: