Welch Allyn Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems - User Manual User Manual

Page 71

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Directions for use

Chapter 4 Adjust monitoring settings and patient information


Related to patient monitor heart rate indications

Related to electrodes, leads and ECG display

WARNING All heart rate alarms are valid, even if the HR value at the central
station differs from that at the monitor.

If your system includes an Arrhythmia Analysis option, the Acuity System heart
rates for adult and pediatric patients are a result of system software analysis.

The HR/PR numeric changes to “---” in the Virtual Monitor, Waveform Window,
review windows, and system printouts when the system detects ventricular
fibrillation or asystole. However, an apparently valid heart rate numeric might
show in the patient monitor.

WARNING If your system includes arrhythmia analysis, and if you connect,
change or move an electrode, ensure that a RELEARN alert occurs at the patient
monitor and the virtual monitor.

Moving or changing an electrode can change the beat morphology. If the system
does not learn the new morphology, it might not alarm or it might cause false
alarms. The relearn process establishes the new morphology as the normal ECG
rhythm for arrhythmia and ST-segment analyses.

If a RELEARN alert occurs after changing or moving an electrode, carefully
evaluate the new ECG rhythm and the current ST segment for all active leads
to make sure that the Acuity System has learned an appropriate rhythm. For
evaluation instructions, see

“Respond to a RELEARN alert” on page 91


If a RELEARN alert does not occur after changing or moving an electrode,
initiate a relearn event. For instructions, see

“To initiate relearn of a patient’s

ECG rhythm for arrhythmia and ST-segment analyses”

on page 65.

WARNING Ensure these things to minimize false HR, Arrhythmia Analysis and
ST Analysis alarms, and to achieve optimal event detection and analysis:

ECG cable, lead wires and electrodes are undamaged.

Patient’s skin is properly prepared.

Electrodes are placed using standard good practices.

5-wire ECG cable is used. A 3-wire cable limits arrhythmia and ST-segment
analyses to a single lead, and ST analysis is disabled when a lead failure

LL electrode is connected. Otherwise, only one ECG lead is available and
arrhythmia and ST-segment analyses are effected.

Patient monitor and Virtual Monitor display these things:

-HR numeric and ECG waveform

-Non-noisy signal. If signal is noisy, reduce patient movement and increase
distance from other electrical devices.

-Correct patient mode for the patient

Virtual Monitor ECG 1 and ECG 2 display these things:

-ECG waveform

-Waveform amplitude at least 160 µV, peak-to-peak

-QRS complex amplitude at least twice the P or T wave amplitude.