Welch Allyn Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems - User Manual User Manual

Page 211

background image

Directions for use



outages 170
supply, uninterruptible 3

Preadmit patient 25
Presets button 46, 60, 74
Print Next button 50
Print On Alarm

arrhythmia 62, 74
printout 119


enable or disable parallel 165
optional laser 10
paper size, set system 165
set ISO encoding 169
view status of 50


Alarm printouts 62, 74, 119
coordinate jobs 50
delete selection 50
Patient List 121
print next 50
print on alarm setup 49
Review printouts 117
review prints 104
Setup window 49
Setup window specifications 194
Snapshot 22
specifications 188
Vital Signs Summary 120

Propaq monitor

CS 10
CS, connection to Acuity System 35
Encore 10
LT 10
LT leads independent 45
LT, connection to Acuity System 33

PVC run definition 56
PVC, definition of 52
PVC/min definition 56


Readmit a discharged patient 27
Recycling, of equipment 173
Reference beat, ST Analysis 70

after change Analyze Pacers 44, 62
Alarm during Relearn 91
alert, respond to 91
definition of 53
initiate Arr/ST 63
ST Analysis 76

Remote Acuity System

Patient List Review 11

Remote Acuity System (PLR) 176
Remote monitoring

close and open Waveform Windows 12
not a substitute for primary monitoring 4
remote Patient List Review system 11
specifications 176
within FlexNet 9

RESET button 88
RESP leads (see Leads)
Response time

CO2 44
SpO2 44

Restarts caused by altered cabling 3
Review printouts 117
Review windows

Arrhythmia Events 107
Graphical Trends 99, 113, 117
open for networked or remote patients 97
open from Patient List 97
opening 23
OxyCRG 112
specifications 195
Tabular Trends/Events 101
Waveforms 104

Room number

enter from a Virtual Monitor 40



check equipment 172
standards 3, 7

Scanning patient ID information 40
Screen view 17

change 18

Screen view buttons 17
Search for patient, by unit 12, 97, 121
Secondary Acuity System

recommended for safety 3

Setup window

Alarms 46
Arrhythmia Alarms 58
Central Station Printer 50
opening 23
Printouts 49
specifications 190
Waveform Window 51

Show Deleted button 111
Sidestream CO2 indicator 23

interruption, CO2 159

SIQ indicator 17, 23, 100, 105, 114
Snapshot printout

from Waveform Window 22

Software, monitor compatibility with Acuity System 175
Sort Windows button 19
Source, troubleshooting 160