Welch Allyn Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems - User Manual User Manual

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Welch Allyn Acuity Central Monitoring System

incorrect 37


clearing trends and alarm limits 28, 35
compatibility with Acuity System 175
connection to Acuity System 28, 35
model and serial number 40
not connecting 152
saving trends and alarm limits 28, 35

Monitor status icons 138

begin 25
networked patients 9, 19, 176
set up typical 43
starting hardwired 28
stop 133


patient and hardwired monitor 127
patient from wireless monitor 129
patient to different monitor 131


Neonatal patients

do not use arrhythmia feature with 5

NET OFF fault 154
Network cable, check 172
Network Fault message 154
Network name, identifying or changing a 165
Networked Acuity System

Close and open Waveform Windows for 12
map icons for 145
open review windows for 97
Patient List Review 11
search for patients in 12, 97
specifications 176
within FlexNet 9

Networked Acuity Systems

print a patient list for 121


no alarm suspended status 86, 158
numeric reduces in size 22
suspect readings 86
troubleshooting 160

NO VALID BEATS message 53, 63, 75, 192, 194
NOISE alert 94
NonCapture definition 57
Note, patient 22, 81
Numeric display 23

--- 181, 182
--- indication for HR 67, 86, 156, 159
??? 181, 182
+++ 181, 182
NIBP reduces size 22
not showing 159


Other Patients button 12, 97, 121
Overview, Acuity System 9

printouts 49
Review window 113
Review window, specifications 199


Pacemaker 44

arrhythmia settings for patients with 62
NonCapture definition 57
set Analyze Pacers for patients 44, 62
system detection of 178
turn on or off display 44

Pacer Display box 62

admit, duplicate not allowed 25
data, review or print 97
discharge 136
in networked Acuity Systems 12, 97, 121
move from wireless monitor 129
move to different monitor 131
move with hardwired monitor 127
new, clear trends and alarm limits 37
pacemaker 44
readmit after discharge 27
review data 97
search for 97
start hardwired monitoring 28
start wireless monitoring 31
status icon 22, 137
stop monitoring 133

Patient ID

edit 80
enter or confirm 40
number, unique 29
scanning 40
Setup window 40

Patient List

button 12, 19, 97, 121
printouts 121
search 97
specifications 188
summary information 98

Patient List Review (PLR) system 11, 176
Patient mode, incorrect 37
Patient note 22, 81
Pause definition 57
PI indicator 17, 23, 100, 105, 114
PLR (Patient List Review) system 11, 176

Acuity System, up or down 170