Welch Allyn Acuity and Mobile Acuity LT Central Monitoring Systems - User Manual User Manual

Page 113

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Directions for use

Chapter 6 Review or print patient data


Adjust the content of both list sections

To adjust the time period covered in both list sections


Click a number under the time line to adjust the line’s scope, in hours.


On the time line, click an area in which you are interested. Events are red.

The blue box moves. The box indicates the time span covered in both sections.


Under Time Span, click to specify the number of hours spanned in both list sections.

In the event counts section, the number of events beside each box is updated to
reflect the current time span.

In the events list section, the listings change.

To specify the content of the events list


In the event counts section, check any of these things to list them in the events list


Check arrhythmia-types.


Check these boxes to further refine the listings:

Lethal and High Arr Alarms: List only lethal events and events that were set to
high priority in the Arrhythmia Alarms Setup window.

All Arr Alarms: List all events that alarmed.

All Arr Events: List all events that occurred, whether or not they were set to

Event counts section

Numbers of arrhythmia events that occurred in

the selected time span are listed here.

Events list section

All events checked in the event counts section (left)

are listed and described here.