Adding an ipsec transform policy, Adding an ipsec selector – Dell POWEREDGE M1000E User Manual
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Web Tools Administrator’s Guide
IPsec over management ports
The SA lifetime may be defined as a time value in seconds (LifeTime in seconds), as the
number of bytes transmitted before the SA is rekeyed (LifeTime in bytes), or both. When both
are used, the SA lifetime is determined by the threshold that is first reached.
6. Click OK.
Adding an IPsec transform policy
The IPsec transform policy is the combination of protocols and algorithms applied to a flow of IP
packets. IPsec unidirectional, and policies need to be applied to both inbound and outbound flows.
Part of adding an IPsec transform policy is to select an IPsec Protection Type. The choices are
discard, bypass, and protect:
Discard causes data packets to be rejected if there is an invalid pair of source and destination
addresses or invalid port addresses.
Bypass allows a data packet to be transmitted or received without IPsec protection.
Process indicates a data packet is processed using IPsec encryption, IKE authentication, or
both, using encapsulation security protocol (ESP) processing, or authentication header (AH)
protocol processing.
To add an IPsec transform policy, perform the following steps.
1. Select the Transforms tab.
The Transforms screen displays.
2. Select Add.
The Add Transform dialog box displays.
3. Enter a name in the Transform Name field.
4. Select the IPsec Mode.
The choices are Transport or Tunnel.
5. Enter the SA Proposal name.
6. Select the IPsec Protection Type option.
7. Select the IKE Policy Name option.
IKE policies need to be created before adding a transform policy. If there are no names to
select from, you must create an IKE policy.
8. Optional: Enter a local and peer IP address.
9. Click OK.
Adding an IPsec selector
Selectors are used to apply transform policies to an IP flow. Flows are uni-directional. Selectors are
associated with a specific source IP address, a specific peer IP address, and a specific transform.
1. Select the Selectors tab.
The Selectors screen displays.
2. Select Add.