About address – ETC Ion User Manual

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Ion Operations Manual

About Address

Press [About] to put the CIA into “About” mode. When an address is selected, the information
below is displayed. You can select the information you wish to view from the buttons located on the
right side of the CIA. Additional buttons may display based on RDM and Sensor Feedback if
enabled. The buttons are:

{Address} displays the following information:

Address number (displayed as straight address and port/offset)

Dimmer label (if any)

Associated channel number, which is a hyperlink to the [About] channel display.

Part number (if any)


Output value (ACN, Net2, ArtNet, Avab UDP, or DMX)

Current output value and source of output

Parameter controlled by the address

Home Value

Basic patch information

Extended patch information (if available)

If it is a scroller, color/gobo wheel, the assigned scroll or wheel is indicated

{Next Part} & {Last Part} will advance to the next part or go back to the previous part. These
buttons only display for addresses with parts.

{Go To Patch} is a shortcut to edit the patch for the address selected. This will open up the patch

{Library Data} displays the following information:

Revision number

Release date

Open issues list (if available)

Usage notes including switch settings and configuration (if available)

Alternate fixture names (if any)

{Lamp Controls} displays controls for the lamp or other parameters of the device (if it is a moving

{Address Check} will bring current address to full.

{Next/Last Unpatched} will allow you to see what addresses closest to the current address are
currently unpatched.