Using {make null, In live, In blind – ETC Ion User Manual

Page 246: In live in blind

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Ion Operations Manual

Using {Make Null}

The {Make Null} softkey can be used to withhold parameter data from record or update actions in
live, and remove parameter data from record targets in blind. {Make Null} is applied using channel
selection and can impact entire channels, individual parameters, or parameter categories.

In Live

When you apply a {Make Null} instruction to channels or parameters in live, channel data is still
visible onstage, but that data is essentially rendered invisible to record commands. Similar to filters

Record Filters, page 200

), {Make Null} acts as an “ignore” instruction in live, not a remove

instruction. When channel data is nulled, the values for that data in the live display turn grey and an
“N” appears next to the data field.

{Make Null} differs from park in that you can still manipulate data onstage (through manual control
or through playback) but that data will be unavailable for record actions.

Some examples of using {Make Null} in live are:

[1] [Thru] [5] {Make Null} [Enter] - converts all parameters of channels 1-5 into null data.

[2] {Color} {Make Null} [Enter] - changes only color data for channel 2 to null data.

[9] [Thru] [5] {Pan} {Make Null} [Enter] - changes only the pan data for channels 5-9 to null.

Null instructions are lifted in two different ways. First, as {Make Null} is a toggle state, it is possible
to reselect the channel and parameter followed by {Make Null} [Enter]. This lifts the null state.

Additionally, a Go To Cue instruction will remove the null state.

In Blind

When applied in blind, {Make Null} can be used to mask instructions in a cue after it has already
been stored. A {Make Null} instruction can also be applied to channels or parameters in palettes,
presets, and submasters, thereby removing the data from the target entirely, in the same way that
[At] [Enter] does.

When applied to channels or parameters in cues, {Make Null} doesn’t remove the data from the
cue, it simply makes it unavailable for playback. It has the same effect on move instructions that it
has on tracked values.

Some examples of using {Make Null} in blind are:

[Color Palette] [1] [Enter] [3] {Magenta} {Make Null} [Enter] - removes all magenta

parameter data for channel 3 from color palette 1.

[Preset] [5] [Thru] [9] [Enter] {Intensity} {Make Null} [Enter] - removes all intensity data for

all channels in presets 5-9.

[Cue] [8] [Enter] [2] [Thru] [7] {Make Null} [Enter] - nulls all data for channels 2-7 in cue 8.

[Cue] [9] [Enter] {Intensity} [Make Null] Enter] - nulls all intensity data for all channels in cue


In the cue scenarios above, {Make Null} differs from using [At] [Enter] in that instead of allowing
values established in previous cues to track in, {Make Null} both restricts the recorded data from
playing back and prevents other values from tracking in. Therefore, if the cue were executed as an
out-of-sequence cue or asserted, no data would play back or track in for any nulled values.