Warning, 8a.12 engine electrical system, 8a.13 engine fuel system – SkyTrak 6036 Service Manual User Manual
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Section 8A
Perkins Engine
Model 6036/6036T S/N 9B0500 thru 14833
Do not mix gasoline or alcohol with diesel fuel.
This mixture can cause an explosion.
The engine electrical system is described in
Section 10, Electrical System. These instructions
describe warning devices, wiring harnesses, circuit
breakers, the starting and charging circuits,
switches and solenoids, gauges and indicator
lights, and electrical troubleshooting.
IMPORTANT: Due to the precise tolerances of
diesel injection systems, it is extremely important
that the fuel be kept clean and free of dirt or water.
Dirt or water in the system can cause severe
damage to both the injection pump and the
injection nozzles.
Use ASTM No. 2 D Fuel with a minimum Cetane
number of 40. No. 2 diesel fuel gives the best
economy and performance under most operating
conditions. Cetane number indicates ignition
performance. Fuel with a low cetane number can
cause cold start problems and affect combustion.
At operating temperatures below 32 °F (0 °C), use
a blend of No. 1 D and No. 2 D fuels, also known
as “winterized” No. 2 D.
NOTE: No. 1 D fuel can be used, however, fuel
economy will suffer.
Use low sulfur content fuel having a cloud point
that is at least 10 degrees below the lowest
expected fuel temperature. Cloud point is the
temperature at which wax crystals begin to form in
diesel fuel.
The viscosity of the fuel must be kept above 1.3
centistrokes to provide adequate fuel system
NOTE: When using diesel fuel with a sulfur
content below 1.3 percent, the oil filter change
interval must be reduced by 75 hours. The use of
fuel with a sulfur content above 1.3 percent is not
8A.13.2 Fuel Tank
The fuel tank (1, Fig. 8A.26) is located directly
behind the front axle.
Have a dry chemical (Class B) fire extin-
guisher near the work area.
Disconnect the negative (–) battery cable.
Using a hand operated pump, when available,
pump as much fuel as possible through the fill
cap or fuel level sensor openings in the fuel
tank. Pump the fuel oil into a marked and
approved receptacle for fuel oil.
The engine fuel system includes a fuel tank (1,
Fig. 8A.26), a fuel level sender (2) and gauge, a
fuel pre-filter (3), a fuel lift pump, Fig. 8A.28, a fuel
filter (21, Fig. 8A.26), and fuel lines to and from
the fuel injection pump, and fuel lines from the fuel
injection pump to and from the fuel injectors back
to the fuel filter and fuel tank. A separate line runs
from the fuel filter to the Thermo Start plug, Fig.
8A.16, in the intake manifold.
The threaded fuel fill opening in the top of the fuel
tank has a filler cap with a tether (3, Fig. 8A.26).
The fuel level sender (2) and gauge are described
in Section 10, Electrical System.
A fuel supply hose carries fuel from the bottom of
the tank to the fuel pre-filter (20). The fuel then
flows through a fuel filter tube, a hose and a fuel
pump tube to the fuel lift pump, Fig. 8A.28, which
is located on the left side of the engine.
A tube carries fuel under pressure from the fuel lift
pump to fuel filter (21, Fig. 8A.26). Fuel which has
been filtered by the fuel filter is directed through
tubes to the fuel injection pump and to the Thermo
Start plug, Fig. 8A.17 in the intake manifold.
A tube from the fuel injectors returns surplus fuel
from the injectors to the fuel filter (21, Fig. 8A.26)
and into a line and hose which returns it to the fuel
8A.13.1 Type of Diesel Fuel to Use
Fuel represents a major portion of your forklift
operating costs; therefore, it is important to use it
efficiently. Don’t let cost tempt you to use inferior
diesel fuel. The initial savings is a false economy
when you consider the damage poor fuel can do to
your forklift engine.
NOTE: Use only diesel fuel designed for diesel
engines. Some heating fuels contain harmful
chemicals which can seriously affect engine
efficiency and performance.