Agilent Technologies Agilent E5250A User Manual

Page 171

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Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 11


Command Reference

Textual Notation for Subsystem Commands


Capital letters are the minimally required letters of the
command header. Lowercase letters are the long form
(complete spelling), which you can omit if desired.

For example, for :SYSTem:CCONfig?, you only need to
specify :SYST:CCON?.

[ ]

Square brackets are used to enclose optional information not
required for execution of the command sequence.

For example, for the [:ROUTe]:BIAS:PORT command, you can
execute :ROUT:BIAS:PORT or :BIAS:PORT, which are
exactly the same.

italic font

Text you supply. For example, for card_number, you enter an
allowed card number. Also, used to represent response data.


Vertical bar can be read as "or" and is used to separate
alternative parameter options.

{ }

Braces (curly brackets) are used to enclose one or more
parameters that may be included zero or more times.

< >

Angular brackets indicate that the word or words enclosed
represent something other than themselves. For example,