Read back of residual data, Figure 16-3 – Cirrus Logic EP73xx User Manual
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EP7309/11/12 User’s Manual - DS508UM4
Copyright Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2003
Data on the link is sent MSB first and coincides with an appropriate frame sync pulse,
of one clock in duration, located one clock prior to the first data bit sent (i.e., MSB). It
is not possible to send data LSB first.
When operating in master mode, the clock frequency is selected to be the same as the
ADC interface’s (master mode only SSI1) — that is, the frequencies are selected by the
same bits 16 and 17 of the SYSCON1 register (i.e., the ADCKSEL bits). Thus, the
maximum frequency in
master mode is 128 kbits/s. The interface will support continuous transmission at this
rate assuming that the OS can respond to the interrupts within 1 ms to prevent
over/underruns. The timing diagram for this interface can be found in the AC
Characteristics section of this document.
Note: To allow synchronization to the incoming slave clock, the interface enable bits
will not take effect until one SSICLK cycle after they are written and the value
read back from SYSCON2. The enable bits reflect the real status of the enables
internally. Hence, there will be a delay before the new value programmed to the
enable bits can be read back.
Read Back of Residual Data
All writes to the transmit FIFO must be in half-words (i.e., in units of two bytes at a
time). On the receive side, it is possible that an odd number of bytes will be received.
Bytes are always loaded into the receive FIFO in pairs. Consequently, in the case of a
single residual byte remaining at the end of a transmission, it will be necessary for the
software to read the byte separately. This is done by reading the status of two bits in
the SYSFLG2 register to determine the validity of the residual data. These two bits
(RESVAL, RESFRM) are both set high when a residual is valid. RESVAL is cleared on
either a new transmission or on reading of the residual bit by software. RESFRM is
cleared only on a new transmission. By popping the residual byte into the RX FIFO
and then reading the status of these bits it is possible to determine if a residual bit has
been correctly read.
illustrates this procedure.
The sequence is as follows: read the RESVAL bit, if this is a 0, no action needs to be
taken. If this is a 1, then pop the residual byte into the FIFO by writing to the SS2POP
location. Then read back the two status bits RESVAL and RESFRM. If these bits read
back 01, then the residual byte popped into the FIFO is valid and can be read back
from the SS2DR register. If the bits are not 01, then there has been another
transmission received since the residual read procedure has been started. The data
Figure 16-3. SSI2 Port Directions in Slave and Master Mode
Slave 7212
Master 7212