Cirrus Logic AN312 User Manual
An312, Cobranet, Clocking modes

© Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2008
(All Rights Reserved)
Clocking Modes
In most cases, a CobraNet
system is used with its default audio clocking mode (0x00). This allows automatic syn-
chronization of audio clocks network wide. However, the clocking circuitry of a CobraNet device can be configured
to operate in a number of ways that are specified by the values written to the syncConductorClock and syncPerform-
erClock Management Interface (MI) variables. These two MI variables are used independently to set the clocking
mode of an interface depending on whether it is operating as a Conductor or a Performer. These variables can be
set by using SNMP or the Host Management Interface (HMI).
Please see the CobraNet Programmer's Reference Manual
and the CobraNet Hardware User's Manual
for more in-
formation on the variables, SNMP, and the Host Management Interface.
All devices in a CobraNet network must operate within the same clock domain. It is therefore a requirement that,
regardless of clock mode, all audio clocks on the network should be derived from the same master clock to ensure
that they remain synchronized. This is accomplished automatically when using the default clock mode, 0x00, and
when any digital devices attached to the CobraNet interface receive their audio clocks from the CobraNet interface.
Any CobraNet interface that uses one of the external clocking modes must use external clocks that are syn-
chronous with the network audio clock.
A digital audio device that does not receive its audio clocks from the CobraNet interface must be connected
to the CobraNet interface using a sample rate converter. For instance, all digital audio devices connected
to CobraNet devices must be in the same audio clock domain as the CobraNet network.
Any clock mode that uses the external word clock (REFCLK_IN) will not work unless the REFCLK_IN pin is
first enabled by clearing the second bit (bit 1) of the syncBuddyLinkControl MI variable.
The core clock circuitry of a CobraNet interface is depicted in
. Note that not all inputs and outputs
to the clock module are used at the same time in all modes. Operation of the circuitry, and activity on each path, are
dependent on the clock mode selected. These different clocking modes can be used in many ways, depending on
the requirements of a particular application. Common usage of the different modes is described in this document.
The user-available external clock connections are REFCLK, MCLK_IN, MCLK_OUT, FS1, and SCLK. The other
connections are internal to the interface and utilized by the interface's firmware in response to the particular mode
in use.
The five audio clock modes are:
0x00 - Internal (Normal Default Mode)
0x10 - Internal with External Sample Synchronization
0x01 - External Word Clock
0x04 - External Master Clock
0x14 - External Master Clock with External Sample Synchronization
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Important Concepts Regarding CobraNet Clocking
- 3. Core Clock Circuitry of a CobraNet Interface
- Figure 1. - CobraNet Clock Circuit for CM-1 Module
- Figure 2. CobraNet Clock Circuit for CM-2 Module and Semiconductors
- 3.1 CobraNet Clock Modes
- 3.1.1 0x00 Mode - Internal Mode (Default)
- 3.1.2 0x10 Mode - Internal Mode with External Sample Synchronization
- 3.1.3 0x01 Mode - External Word Clock
- Figure 7. 0x01 Mode Typical Connection (External Sync Attached to Conductor)
- Figure 8. 0x01 Mode Typical Connection - External Sync
- Figure 9. 0x01 Mode Typical Connection - Synchronization of All Nodes
- Figure 10. Mode 0x01 Clock Circuit Used with CM-1 Modules
- Figure 11. Clock Circuit as Used by Mode 0x01 with CM-2 and Semiconductors
- 3.1.4 0x04 Mode - External Master Clock
- 3.1.5 0x14 Mode - External Master Clock with External Sample Clock Synchronization
- Figure 15. 0x14 Mode Typical Connection (Synchronization to an Externally-Supplied Master Clock and Word Clock when Using CM-1)
- Figure 16. 0x14 Mode Typical Connection (Master and Reference Clock Supplied to Slave Interfaces within Same Chassis when Using CM-1)
- Figure 17. Clock Circuit as Used by Mode 0x14 with CM-1 Module
- 3.1.6 0x14 Mode for CM-2/CS1810xx/CS4961xx-Based Devices
- 4. Using 0x10 Mode with CS1810xx, CS4961xx or CM-2
- 5. References
- 6. Revision History