Cirrus Logic AN335 User Manual
An335, Cirrus logic cobranet, Introduction

© Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2008
(All Rights Reserved)
Cirrus Logic CobraNet
Developer Tips for
CS1810xx / CS4961xx Devices
This document contains a compendium of information useful in the development of products based on the Cirrus
Logic CS1810xx and CS4961xx CobraNet
devices. It is intended as an initial guideline for hardware and software
engineers, which are new to the development of designs using CobraNet devices.
The information required for product development is also contained in various application notes, data sheets and
manuals available on the Cirrus Logic and CobraMC websites.
The CobraMC website is a password protected site which provides support for CobraNet OEMs. Access to this site
is provided to qualified customers upon execution of a standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with Cirrus Logic.
Please contact your local Cirrus Logic distributor or sales representative in order to execute an NDA and gain access
to this site and any other protected materials described in this document.
Required References
It is compulsory to obtain and study the following references:
CobraNet Programmer's Reference Manual - Contains information on the control and setup of Co-
braNet devices. Most of the manual is a reference describing each of the configuration variables used
to control and monitor a CobraNet interface.
CobraNet Hardware User's Guide - This is the data sheet for the CS181xx/CS4961xx chips. It con-
tains a schematic for the CM-2 CobraNet module which can be used as a reference design.
CobraNet Discovery User's Manual - This manual is installed with CobraNet Discovery. CobraNet
Discovery is an application used to monitor and control CobraNet devices and to update the firmware
of CobraNet devices.
Application Notes:
CobraNet Audio Routing Primer — Basic information about setting bundle numbers and channel
Bundle Assignments in CobraNet Systems — Considerations and guidelines when setting up
audio bundles in a CobraNet installation. Ramifications of different settings and how they impact
network performance and utilization.
Integrating CobraNet into Audio Products — Basic hardware design guidelines for CobraNet
products. Much is focused on integrating CobraNet modules into audio equipment but a wealth of
applicable information of a general nature and pertaining to chips is contained here.
AN312, CobraNet Clocking Modes — This application note is required for any manufacturer that
intends to use any clocking mode other than the default. Proper use and support of CobraNet audio
clocks is essential to correct operation of the individual devices and the audio network.
AN279, Controlling and Monitoring DSP Conductor™ Configurations — This application note
describes how to access the R/W variables used to control the DSP parameters created with DSP
AN334, CS1810xx / CS4961xx Bing-up Instructions — This application note describes how to
get a newly manufactured CobraNet design up and running using either a pre-programmed flash or
debugging tools.
Document Outline
- 1. Introduction
- 2. CobraNet Discovery
- 3. Firmware
- 4. Firmware Customization
- 5. Firmware Naming Conventions
- 6. MAC Addresses
- 7. DSP Conductor™
- 8. Board Hardware Design Considerations
- 9. CobraNet Silicon Series Device Differences
- 10. Differences Between CM-a and CM-2 Interfaces
- 11. Connection Status Detection
- 12. CM-2 Module Interface Connectors