2 sending the operating system, 1 sending os with devconfig – Campbell Scientific CR800 and CR850 Measurement and Control Systems User Manual

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Section 7. Installation




7.6.2 Sending the Operating System

The CR800 is shipped with the operating system pre-loaded. However, OS
updates are made available at and can be sent to the

Note Beginning with OS 25, the OS has become large enough that a CR800 with
serial number ≤ 3604, which has only 2 MB of SRAM, may not have enough
memory to receive it under some circumstances. If problems are encountered
with a 2 MB CR800, sending the OS over a direct RS-232 connection is usually

Since sending an OS to the CR800 resets memory, data loss will certainly occur.
Depending on several factors, the CR800 may also become incapacitated for a
time. Consider the following before updating the OS.


Is sending the OS necessary to correct a critical problem? -- If not,

consider waiting until a scheduled maintenance visit to the site.


Is the site conveniently accessible such that a site visit can be undertaken

to correct a problem of reset settings without excessive expense?

If the OS must be sent, and the site is difficult or expensive to access, try the OS
download procedure on an identically programmed, more conveniently located

Note OS file has .obj extension. It can be compressed using the gzip
compression algorithm. The datalogger will accept and decompress the file on
receipt. See the appendix Program and OS Compression

. Sending OS with DevConfig

Figures DevConfig OS Download Window

(p. 95)

and Dialog Box Confirming OS


(p. 95)

show DevConfig windows displayed during the OS download


Caution Sending an operating system with DevConfig will erase all existing data
and reset all settings to factory defaults.

Text in the Send OS tab (figure DevConfig OS Download Window

(p. 95)

) lists

instructions for sending an operating system to the CR800.

When the Start button is clicked, a file-open dialog box prompts for the operating
system file (*.obj file). When the CR800 is powered-up, DevConfig starts sending
the operating system.

As shown in figure Dialog Box Confirming OS Download

(p. 95),

when the

operating system has been sent, a confirmation message is displayed. The
message helps corroborate the signature of the operating system.