6 terminal emulator, Table 107. math expressions and crbasic results, Crbasic example 67. using nan in expressions – Campbell Scientific CR800 and CR850 Measurement and Control Systems User Manual

Page 421

background image

Section 10. Troubleshooting



Figure 128: Potentiometer R3 on PS100 and CH100 Charger / Regulator

10.6 Terminal Emulator

CR800 terminal mode includes command prompts designed to aid Campbell
Scientific engineers in operating system development. It has some features that
advanced users may find useful for troubleshooting. Terminal commands should
not be relied upon to have exactly the same features or formats from version to
version of the OS, however. Table Terminal Emulator Menu

(p. 422)

lists terminal

mode options. With exception of perhaps the C command, terminal options are
not necessary to routine CR800 operations.

To enter terminal mode, connect a PC to the nine-pin RS-232 port on the CR800
via serial cable or USB-to-serial cable. Open a terminal emulator program.
Terminal emulator programs are available in:

1. Campbell Scientific datalogger support software Terminal Emulator

(p. 445)


2. DevConfig (Campbell Scientific Device Configuration Utility Software)

Terminal tab

3. HyperTerminal, a communications tool available with many installations of

Windows XP or lower. Beginning with Windows Vista, HyperTerminal (or
another terminal emulator utility) must be acquired and installed separately.