7 memory and final data storage – Campbell Scientific CR800 and CR850 Measurement and Control Systems User Manual

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Section 5. System Overview




program is active at a given time. Two Campbell Scientific software applications,
Short Cut and CRBasic Editor, are used to create CR800 programs.

Short Cut creates a datalogger program and wiring diagram in four easy steps.

It supports most sensors sold by Campbell Scientific and is recommended for
creating simple programs to measure sensors and store data.

• Programs generated by Short Cut are easily imported into CRBasic Editor for

additional editing. For complex applications, experienced programmers often
create essential measurement and data storage code with Short Cut, then edit
the code with CRBasic Editor.

Note Once a Short Cut generated program has been edited with CRBasic Editor,
it can no longer be modified with Short Cut.

5.1.7 Memory and Final Data Storage

Read More! See Memory and Final Data Storage

(p. 315).

CR800 memory is organized as follows. Memory size is posted in the Status
table (see the appendix Status Table and Settings

(p. 505)


• OS Flash

o 2 MB

o Operating system (OS)

o Serial number and board rev

o Boot code

o Erased when loading new OS (boot code only erased if changed)

• Serial Flash

o 512 kB

o Device settings

o Write protected

o Non-volatile

o CPU: drive residence

Automatically allocated

FAT file system

Limited write cycles (100,000)

Slow (serial accesses)

• Main Memory


o Battery backed

o OS variables

o CRBasic compiled program binary structure (490 kB maximum)