Horner APG XLt OCS User Manual
Page 56

CH. 11 MAN0878-04-EN
August 12, 2009
Page 56 of 100
ECN # 979
Internal to the XLe/XLt, there is a CPU board, and up to two installed modules. Models XE000 and XE100
have no installed I/O or COM modules. All other models have an I/O module in Slot 1 and can have a
user-installed COM module in Slot 2.
Depending on which I/O module is installed and which I/O module has been configured by Cscape, one
of the following six System Settings should appear for Slot 1:
Slot 1: I/O: Empty
= No I/O module installed or configured
Slot 1:*Unsupported
= Unsupported I/O module installed
Slot 1:-I/O Missing
= No I/O module installed but an I/O module is configured
Slot 1:+I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed but no I/O module configured
Slot 1:?I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed but another I/O module configured
Slot 1: I/O: XExyy
= yy I/O module installed and configured properly
Depending on the COM module that is installed and the COM module that has been configured by
Cscape, one of the following six System Settings appears for Slot 2:
Slot 2: I/O: Empty
= No COM module installed or configured
Slot 2:*Unsupported
= Unsupported COM module installed
Slot 2:-I/O Missing
= No COM module installed but a COM module is configured
Slot 2:+I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed but no COM module configured
Slot 2:?I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed but another COM module configured
Slot 2: I/O: XzC
= z COM module installed and configured properly
View Protocols
The View Protocols Sub-Menu displays two System Settings, both of which are not editable.
As mentioned in CHAPTER 5, both the MJ1 (Port 1) and MJ2 (Port 2) serial ports support downloadable
protocols. To assign a downloadable protocol to an XLe/XLt serial port, select the Protocol Config item
in Cscape’s Program menu and then setup a protocol for Port 1 or Port 2 (or both).
In the View Protocols Sub-Menu, the currently downloaded protocol, if any, and its version number are
displayed for both Port 1 and Port 2.
Port 1:
Protocol name
= (None Loaded) or name of the protocol assigned to MJ1
Protocol version
= Blank or version of the protocol assigned to MJ1
Port 2:
Protocol name
= (None Loaded) or name of the protocol assigned to MJ2
Protocol version
= Blank or version of the protocol assigned to MJ2
Set Fkeys
The Set Fkeys Sub-Menu displays two System Settings, both of which are editable.
= %K1-10 bits go On & Off as F1-F10 are pressed & released
= %K1-10 bits toggle each time F1-F10 are pressed
SYS_Fn enable:
= Reset and all clear system functions enabled
= Reset and all clear system functions disabled