Horner APG XLt OCS User Manual
Page 28

CH. 7 MAN0878-04-EN
August 12, 2009
Page 28 of 100
ECN # 979
Modem COM Module (XMC) Option
A Modem COM module can be installed to allow Cscape programming of an XLe/XLt over a dial-up
network. In addition, the application ladder program can take control of the modem for application-
specific modem communication.
The Modem COM module supports the standard AT command set and can connect to the dial-up network
at speeds up to 14.4 KBaud. Connection speed is auto-negotiated. The Modem COM module connects
to the dial-up network (phone line) via a cable with a standard RJ11 modular plug.
To enable Cscape programming via a dial-up network, the Modem COM module should first be
configured as the Default Programming Port, using the XLe/XLt System Menu (see CHAPTER 11). Doing
this puts the Modem COM module in auto-answer mode, so Cscape can call the XLe/XLt via a remote
To program the ladder application to communicate via the Modem COM module, standard Cscape Serial
and Modem function blocks can be used.