Confirm window (create user group), Setting fields, Create user group table – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 160

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Setting fields



Enter the name of the user group to be created.

User Group Name

You can specify ASCII code characters, spaces, and the following symbols:

! # $ % and ' ( ) + - . = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~

Check whether the entered user group name is registered to the authorization server
when you use an authorization server.


Confirm window (Create User Group)

Create User Group table



Displays the name of user groups to be created.

User Group Name

Displays the number of roles that are assigned to the user group to be created.

Number of roles

Displays the number of resource groups that are assigned to the user group to be created.

Number of Resource Groups

Displays the number of users that belong to the user group to be created.

Number of Users

Displays whether all resource groups are assigned.

All Resource Groups

Yes: All resource groups are assigned to the user group.

No: All resource groups are not assigned to the user group.

160 Remote Web Console GUI reference (main window)

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