HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
HP Storage

HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software
User Guide
This document describes how to use the HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software product and includes information about
user tasks and troubleshooting. This document is intended for users and HP service providers who have knowledge of the HP
XP P9000 Performance Advisor and P9000 disk arrays hardware, software, and storage systems. For the latest information
about this product, see the HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software Release Notes.
HP Part Number: T1789-96353
Published: March 2014
Edition: 21
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Guide
- Contents
- 1 Introduction to HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor
- 2 Working with the HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor GUI
- 3 Managing licenses for XP and P9000 disk arrays
- Introduction
- License screen
- Instant-on license on HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor installation
- HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor licenses
- Generating licenses at the HPAC license key website
- Viewing aggregate License status
- Exceeding Permanent licensed capacity and grace period
- Exceeding Meter based Term licensed capacity and grace period
- Violating licensed capacity
- Removing licenses
- 4 Collecting configuration and performance data
- Introduction
- Array View screen
- Communicating with host agents
- Collecting configuration data
- Collecting performance data
- Creating performance data collection schedules
- Viewing performance data collection schedules
- Editing performance data collection schedules
- Stopping performance data collection schedules
- Restarting performance data collection schedules
- Deleting performance data collection schedules
- Setting the java heap size values
- 5 Configuring common settings for HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor
- Introduction
- Configuring email and SNMP settings
- Providing user-friendly names for XP and P9000 disk arrays
- Registering the XP or P9000 disk array SVP IP address in HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor
- Setting the severity level for events
- Setting time zone for management station
- Setting the duration to predict the LDEV response time
- Receiving email notifications when HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor services fail
- Managing custom groups
- Managing fabricated LDEV records
- Managing HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor user profiles
- 6 Monitoring performance of XP and P9000 disk arrays
- 7 Configuring alarms and managing events
- 8 Managing the HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor database
- 9 Viewing XP and P9000 disk array components
- Introduction
- Viewing performance summary
- Viewing XP and P9000 disk array summary
- Viewing utilization summary
- Viewing cache and CLPR utilization
- Viewing CHIP/CHA data
- Viewing ACP/DKA data
- Viewing MP blade utilization for P9000 disk arrays
- Viewing Smart and ThP pools data for P9000 disk arrays
- Viewing continuous access data for P9000 disk arrays
- Viewing 10 busiest LDEVs and Ports
- Viewing 10 busiest LDEVs and RAID groups
- Viewing RAID group summary
- Viewing port summary
- Viewing 90th and 95th percentile values for Continuous Access ports
- Viewing LDEV data
- Querying and sorting data
- Configuring column settings
- Viewing replication data for LDEVs
- Filtering LDEV records
- Exporting LDEV data
- Viewing RAID group information
- Continuous Access Journal Detail View
- Viewing ThP Pool Occupancy information
- Viewing port information
- Viewing SLPR information
- Viewing CLPR information
- Viewing LDEV data in custom groups
- 10 Using charts
- Introduction
- Charts screen
- Plotting charts
- Selecting components and metrics
- XP or P9000 disk arrays monitored by HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor
- Custom Groups
- Choosing metrics
- Front-end navigation path
- Cache navigation path
- MP Blades navigation path
- Back-end navigation path
- Pools navigation path
- Snapshot Pool navigation path
- Replication Volumes navigation path
- LUSE navigation path
- Host Groups navigation path
- Ext-RG(s) navigation path
- Drive types navigation path
- Custom groups navigation path
- Searching for components
- Viewing charts
- Viewing top 20 consumers of an MP blade
- Viewing MP blade utilization by processing types
- Viewing aggregate data for metrics
- Using chart controls and settings
- Adding new chart windows
- Saving charts as PDF files
- Saving favorite charts
- Loading favorite charts
- Creating reports for favorite charts
- Printing charts
- Changing the Chart Work Area layout
- Viewing current LDEV assignments for an MP blade
- Forecasting utilization
- Using date and time filters
- Using chart Styles
- Zooming in on charts
- Rearranging or moving chart windows
- Removing chart windows
- Selecting components and metrics
- 11 Using reports
- Introduction
- Types of reports
- Create/Schedule Reports screen
- Generating, saving, or scheduling reports
- Creating report for busiest LDEVs and RAID groups
- Creating an LDEV Activity report
- Creating report to view the most utilized RAID Groups
- Viewing reports
- Deleting reports
- Virtualization for reports
- Enabling email notifications
- Editing report schedules
- Deleting report schedules
- Understanding report records
- Understanding report schedule records
- Logging report details and exceptions
- 12 Using Performance Estimator for XP and P9000 disk arrays
- 13 Troubleshooting issues for components associated with applications
- Troubleshooting using real-time performance data from XP and P9000 disk arrays
- Troubleshooting using host group or WWN
- 14 Launching HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor from other Storage products
- Introduction
- Launching HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor from HP XP P9000 Tiered Storage Manager
- Launching HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor from P9000 Remote Web Console
- 15 Support and other resources
- A Appendix A
- B Sample reports
- Report types
- Array performance report
- LDEV IO report
- RAID Group Utilization Report
- Cache utilization report
- ACP utilization report
- CHIP utilization report
- ThP Pool Occupancy report
- Snapshot Pool Occupancy report
- P9000 Continuous Access Journal Group utilization report
- LDEV Activity report
- Export Database report
- All report
- MP blade utilization report
- Average utilization of an MP blade
- MP blade utilization by top resources
- MP blade utilization by the processing types
- Report types
- C Appendix C
- D Appendix D
- E Metric Category, metrics, and descriptions
- F Appendix F
- Glossary
- Index