HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual

Page 154

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10. Select the check box for Display LDEV's of the Journal, if you want to view all the LDEVs that

belong to a journal pool.

11. Select the Start Time and End Time, if it is a one-time export activity.

If you are scheduling the export activity, select only the start time.

12. If you are scheduling the export activity, retain the recipient email address displayed in the

Email box or specify an email address where you want to receive the notifications. If you are
saving the export DB report, the .csv files are available in the \HPSS\pa\tomcat\



By default, the email notifications are sent to the recipient email addresses specified

on the Email Settings screen. The default recipient email address is administrator@localhost.
For more information, see

“Configuring email and SNMP settings” (page 71)


13. After you select or fill in the options, click Save.

Click Reset anytime before saving the Export DB report to clear the current selection and restore
the default settings.

Based on whether the export activity is for an XP or a P9000 disk array, HP XP P9000 Performance
Advisor does the following:


Creates the appropriate .csv files and appends the file name that you provided while
configuring the export activity to the .csv file names. For more information, see

“Export DB

CSV files” (page 147)


If you have chosen to view the RAID groups utilization values or performance values of LDEVs
in a journal pool, the respective .csv files are also created. The corresponding set of records
are displayed in the Exported DB Files section, under the View Exported/Scheduled Exported
DB Files tab. For more information, see

“Viewing Export DB CSV files” (page 155)



Displays the status of the export activity on the Event Log screen.

If the export activity is successful, the following message is displayed: Data exported
successfully into XXX_.csv

If the export activity fails, the following message with severity set as User Action is
displayed: Data cannot be exported into XXX_.csv. An export activity might
fail if the performance data is not available for the specified duration. A separate email
notification about the failure is not sent to the email recipients.

Where, XX in the above log messages refers to the component for which the export is initiated,
such as the DKC, LDEV, port, CLPR, or the MP blade (applicable only for the P9000 disk

If you have scheduled the export DB activity, in addition to the above-mentioned, you also
receive an email notification at the specified recipient email addresses after the .csv files
are created. However, the .csv files are not provided as email attachments due to their large
file size. Instead, every email notification provides links that the email recipients can click to
view the respective .csv files.

Related Topics

“Viewing Export DB CSV files” (page 155)

“Automatically increasing the database size (AutoGrow)” (page 140)

“Manually increasing the database size” (page 141)

“Manually purging the data” (page 143)

“Purging older data” (page 143)

“Automatically purging data” (page 144)

“Archiving data” (page 157)

154 Managing the HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor database

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