Configuring vvol settings, Viewing smart pool capacity – HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
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Table 13 Pool Details table (continued)
Column names
Displays RG level of a particular raid group. For External raid
group this column is blank.
RG Level
Displays disk type of a particular raid group. For External raid
group this column is blank.
Disk Type
Displays the individual pool volumes from the RAID group that
are included in the Smart pool or the ThP pool.
Pool LDEVs
Select a VVol or a RAID group record, and click Plot Chart to view the performance graphs for the
above-mentioned metrics.
Configuring VVol settings
You can configure the following VVol settings:
The maximum number of VVol records you want to view.
HP recommends viewing a maximum of 150 records at a time, so that there is no
performance impact.
The metrics based on which you want to sort the records. You can sort records based on the
IOPS, MBPS, Backend Tracks, and the Avg Read/Write Resp Time metrics.
By default, the VVol records are sorted based on the Avg Read/Write Resp Time values.
To configure the above-mentioned settings, click V-vols Settings in the Pool
An informational message on the VVol settings that you configured appears under the Pool
the sorting to be based on the IOPS, the following informational message appears: Top 30 Pool
V-volumes sort by IOPS.
Viewing Smart pool capacity
In addition to the configuration and performance data, you can also view the capacity details for
a Smart pool. Click a record in the Pool Information table to view the following details:
Column names
Displays the tier levels for the selected Smart pool. Each tier
level can be assigned to one of the following drive types:
Pool Tier
SAS (15 krpm)
SAS (10 krpm)
SAS (7.2 krpm)
External (Low)
SATA (7.2 krpm)
External (High)
External (Mid)
For example, tier level 1 can be assigned to the SSD drive type,
tier level 2 can be assigned to the SAS drive type, and tier level
3 can be assigned to the SATA drive type.
Displays the total capacity of a tier level.
Total Capacity
198 Viewing XP and P9000 disk array components