Viewing variations in the ldev response time – HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
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The additional set of metrics that HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor supports for the RAID groups,
Ports, and the CLPRs are as follows:
Table 29 Additional metrics for RAID groups, ports, and CLPRs
Additional Frontend, Cache, and
Backend metrics
The total backend tracks loaded in
random mode for a specified RAID
Non Seq Reads
RAID groups
The total backend tracks loaded in
sequential mode for a specified RAID
Seq Reads
The total backend tracks destaged for
a specified RAID group.
The average I/Os on the port over an
entire collection interval.
The maximum MB/s of data that was
read from or written to an LDEV through
the port.
The total size of the CLPR shown in
Cache Size
the utilization of the sidefile shown as
a percentage value.
Side File Usage %
To view data for the additional set of metrics:
Based on whether you want to view the additional data in the LDEV, Port, CLPR, or the RAID
Group table, navigate to the corresponding Metrics list.
Select the check box for the metrics, for which you want to view the related component data.
A new column for the selected metric is added in the respective table and the component data
pertaining to the selected metric is displayed under that metric column.
In the above image, the Seq Reads metric is selected. The performance data of components
pertaining to Seq Reads is displayed in a separate column in the RAID Group table.
Viewing variations in the LDEV response time
You can identify the LDEVs that are experiencing response time variations by analyzing their read
and write response time values.
Consider a scenario where your application is associated with multiple LDEVs and experiencing
a slow response time. As some of the components, such as RAID groups are shared, their utilization
might not indicate an impact on the application. Instead, verify whether there are variations in the
response time of the LDEVs associated with your application. Further, verify the utilization of
components associated with those LDEVs, such as the RAID group, CHA MP (applicable only for
Troubleshooting using host group or WWN 335