Ntemporary saving (snapshot), Nfull display – Yokogawa GC1000 Mark II Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual

Page 64

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<4. Chromatogram Window>


IM 11B03G03-03E

Selecting the [Part Zoom] button automatically disables the auto-scale. Partial zooming-in can

also be achieved by using the [Part Zoom] command in the [Scale] menu. The range of the

partially enlarged area specified in the above procedure may differ from the actual displayed

range shown in the Closeup window due to a programmatic reason.


Temporary Saving (Snapshot)

This subsection explains how to temporarily save the partially enlarged chromatogram obtained

in the previous subsection.



(1) Click on the [Snapshot 1] button ( ) on the toolbar. The red lamp on the [Snapshot 1]

button turns on and the on-screen chromatogram is temporarily saved in memory.

(2) To view the temporarily saved chromatogram after changing the display back to the

previously opened one, click on the [Snapshot 1] button with red light. The chromatogram

saved as Snapshot 1 appears.

(3) To delete the temporarily saved chromatogram, click on the [Options] menu, point to [Snap

Shot], and then click on the [Clear] command. The saved chromatogram is deleted and the

red lamp on the [Snapshot 1] button turns off.

• Two different chromatograms can be saved temporarily as Snapshot 1 and Snapshot 2.
• The [Snap Shot] command in the [Options] menu can also be used for temporary saving.
• The images of Snapshot 1 and Snapshot 2 are automatically erased upon the start of each

new analysis cycle.


Full Display



Click on the [Full Display] button ( ) on the toolbar. The position and scale of the chromatogram

are recalculated and the chromatogram returns to its original size.

• The [Full Disp] command in the [Scale] menu can also be used for viewing the full display.

4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00