Overview of maintenance terminal, 1 how the maintenance terminal works, Overview of maintenance terminal -1 – Yokogawa GC1000 Mark II Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
Page 20: How the maintenance terminal works -1, Nwhat is the maintenance terminal, Nfeatures of the maintenance terminal

<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
IM 11B03G03-03E
1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal
This chapter provides an overview of the Maintenance Terminal and basic information
required to operate the package.
How the Maintenance Terminal Works
In this section, you will learn how the Maintenance Terminal software package works before you
start using it.
What Is the Maintenance Terminal?
The Maintenance Terminal (GCMT) is a software package used to monitor and maintain the
GC1000 Mark II analyzer (hereinafter referred to as the “analyzer”) on a personal computer by
linking the computer to the analyzer through a communication line. The figure below illustrates an
overview of the Maintenance Terminal.
GC1000 Mark II
Instrument room/office
Personal computer
RS-422/RS-232C converter
Analyzer monitoring and maintenance
• The Maintenance Terminal reads
chromatograms and analysis
results and saves them on disks.
• The Maintenance Terminal reads
and writes parameter settings.
• The Maintenance
Terminal sends
chromatograms and
analysis results to a
Features of the Maintenance Terminal
The Maintenance Terminal features:
Remote Operation of LCD Panel
The LCD screen of the analyzer is duplicated onto the CRT screen of your personal computer.
Thus, you can manipulate the LCD screen from a location distant from the field.
Analyzer Operation Window Presenting an Overall View
The current operation mode, valve and detector statuses, and a chromatogram are displayed in
one window (Analyzer Operation window). This gives a convenient view of the operating status at
a glance. Just click on an object in the window to change the mode, open and close valves, view
the detailed chromatogram, etc.
Uploading and Downloading Analyzer Parameter Settings
Parameter settings can be uploaded and downloaded, thus allowing the parameters set on the
LCD panel to be also set in another analyzer.
Detailed Chromatogram Display and Data Saving
A chromatogram is displayed in two ways: the Analyzer Operation window which shows
an overview of the chromatogram and the Chromatogram window which provides a more
detailed view of it. The Chromatogram window allows zooming, changing scales, and saving of
chromatogram data.
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00