Nselecting a serial port for communication, Help – Yokogawa GC1000 Mark II Process Gas Chromatograph User Manual
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<3. Analyzer Operation Window>
IM 11B03G03-03E
If the message “Unsuccessful end of connection” appears, check the communication line, the serial port number,
and the communication speed, and then try again to establish the communication
(3) The remaining time is counted down during initial-database loading.
• The initial database is the data other than measured values, and comprises fixed data that
do not vary with time, such as the number and types of detectors, names of components
to be analyzed, and alarm history data. The Maintenance Terminal functions are not
executable until the initial database is loaded.
• It takes about 60 seconds to load the initial database (when the communication speed
is 38400 bps). If there is no change in the fixed data, loading ends in about 10 seconds
because, in that case, only alarm data are loaded.
After loading is completed, the Analyzer Operation window opens. The Analysis Results
window also comes into operation and appears as an icon.
operation window
Analysis Results window icon
• The Analyzer Operation window is the parent window in the Maintenance Terminal and must
always be open, irrespective of the type of Maintenance Terminal function being used. The
window can be minimized to an icon with the [Minimize] button.
• It takes a short while for the Analysis Results window to actually open after its startup.
If the message “Communication link with the analyzer has been dropped” appears in the Analyzer Operation
window, reestablish a communication link with the analyzer using the [Connect] command in the [Connect] menu
after you have finished panel operation on the analyzer.
Selecting a Serial Port for Communication
To select a serial port to be used for the communication, use the [Com. Port] command in
the [Connect] menu. From the pop-up menu a usable serial port can be selected. When this
command is executed, the current communication is aborted and then the communication is
started from the specified port.
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00