Conventions used in the menu pages – Watlow EZ-ZONE PM User Manual

Page 41

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Watlow EZ-ZONE


PM Limit Controller


Chapter 4 Home Page

Conventions Used in the Menu Pages

To better understand the menu pages that follow review the naming conventions used. When encountered

throughout this document, the word "default" implies as shipped from the factory. Each page (Operations,

Setup, Profile and Factory) and their associated menus have identical headers defined below:

Header Name



Visually displayed information from the control.

Parameter Name

Describes the function of the given parameter.


Defines options available for this prompt, i.e., min/max values (nu-

merical), yes/no, etc... (further explanation below).


Values as delivered from the factory.

Parameter Appears in Menu When

Conditions required for parameter to appear in menu.

Modbus Relative Address

Identifies unique parameters using either the Modbus RTU or Mod-

bus TCP protocols (further explanation below).

CIP (Common Industrial Protocol)

Identifies unique parameters using either the DeviceNet or Ether-

Net/IP protocol (further explanation below).

Profibus Index

Identifies unique parameters using Profibus DP protocol (further ex-

planation below).

Parameter ID

Identifies unique parameters used with other software such as, Lab-


Data Type R/W

uint = Unsigned 16 bit


dint = long, 32-bit
string = ASCII (8 bits

per character)

float = IEEE 754 32-bit
RWES = Readable


EEPROM (saved)

User Set (saved)


Visual information from the control is displayed to the observer using a fairly standard 7 segment display.

Due to the use of this technology, several characters displayed need some interpretation, see the list below:


= 1


= 0


= i


= r


= 2

[a ]

= A

[j ]

= J


= S


= 3

[ b]

= b


= K

[ t]

= t


= 4


, [C] = c

[ l]

= L


= u


= 5

[d ]

= d

[ m ]

= M


= v


= 6

[ e]

= E


= n

[ w ]

= W


= 7

[ f]

= F


= o

[y ]

= y


= 8

[g ]

= g

[ p]

= P


= Z


= 9

[ h]

= h

[q ]

= q


Within this column notice that on occasion there will be numbers found within parenthesis. This number rep-

resents the enumerated value for that particular selection. Range selections can be made simply by writing

the enumerated value of choice using any of the available communications protocols. As an example, turn to

the Setup Page and look at the Analog Input [`Ai] menu and then the Sensor Type [Sen] prompt. To turn

the sensor off simply write the value of 62 (off) to Modbus register 400369 and send that value to the control.