Updatetime, Value, Valuearray – Teledyne LeCroy WaveExpert series Automation Manual User Manual

Page 61: Overview

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Applies to: All Result interfaces.
Description: Indicates the time that particular result was most recently updated. Often, this property will show the

same value as LastEventTime, but for traces such as memories (M1, M2, etc) this will be the time that the

waveform was stored to the memory trace. Times are returned encoded as a currency value (VT_CY) within a

variant; see description for FirstEventTime for decoding details.


Dim UpdateTime
Dim TimeString as String
UpdateTime = app.Memory.M1.Out.Result.UpdateTime
TimeString = DecodeTimeProperty(UpdateTime)

See FirstEventTime for the code for the function DecodeTimeProperty, which is the example of decoding


Applies to: Param
Description: Value of a parameter or of a statistic in the measurement system. When the scope has no result, it

will show "---" in the measure table. When this is displayed, the Value property is not accessible. Error handling

should be employed to catch errors that may occur. See the example below for more information.


‘ Readout all elements of the measurement parameter for P1.
‘ Use the On Error Resume Next statement to handle situations
‘ where a measurement is not available, such as attempting to
‘ readback the frequency of a DC level, or trying to read the Sdev
‘ statistic when there is only 1 measurement. The scope will show
‘ "---" when there is no result to readback.

On Error Resume Next
Dim Value, Mean, Min, Max, Sdev, Num As Double
Value = app.measure.p1.out.Result.Value
Mean = app.measure.p1.Mean.Result.Value
Min = app.measure.p1.Min.Result.Value
Max = app.measure.p1.Max.Result.Value
Sdev = app.measure.p1.Sdev.Result.Value
Num = app.measure.p1.Num.Result.Value


Applies to: Param
Description: Retrieves a 1D array of values, typically used to return measurement results for mult-values

parameters such as Period, Frequency, TIE@level, etc. ValueArray can also return the start time, stop time and

status of each measurement taken in the sweep.

numSamples as Long

Default value: -1, retrieve all data
Number of samples to retreived

startIndex as Long

Default value: 0, first sample
Index of the first sample to be retreived.

valueType as integer (enumerated)

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