International standards – TC Electronic Broadcast 6000 User Manual
Page 166

System 6000 MKII Algorithms
Range: -36 LUFS to -6 LUFS
The parameter specifies the loudness level to
generally aim at. It affects a number of functions
and displays in LM6, and must be set according
to the standard you need to comply with. Current
broadcast standards require Target to be in the
range between -26 and -20 LUFS. For instance,
EBU R128 calls for -23 LUFS while ATSC A/85
specifies -24 LUFS.
The Target parameter affects these LM6 func-
tions and displays:
1. Target sets the reference point for loudness
measurements in LU. If the Loudness Unit
parameter is set to LU, Program Loudness,
Sliding Loudness and Loudness Max will be
shown in LU relative to Target. On Target mea-
surements will consequently read “0.0 LU”.
2. Target defines the “12 o’clock” value of the
Radar meter.
Loudness Unit
All measurements of program loudness and slid-
ing loudness are shown in units of LUFS, that is,
in Loudness Units on the absolute scale. This is
the normal setting for the Loudness Unit param-
eter, that we recommend for most applications.
Loudness Range is always shown in units of LU,
because it is basically a measurement of ‘range’
or of the distance between a high and a low
loudness level.
This setting is similar to the ‘LUFS’ setting, ex-
cept that the Radar display uses an LU scale
rather than an LUFS scale, on the Icon. There is
no difference between the LUFS and LU/LUFS
settings, when the LM6 is used in stand-alone
In this setting, measurements of program loud-
ness and sliding loudness are shown in units
of LU, that is, in Loudness Units on a relative
scale. The 0 LU is by definition the target loud-
ness level, such as -23.0 LUFS. So by selecting
‘LU’, one can immediately see if a loudness level
is above the target level (e.g. +1.2 LU) or below
(e.g. -3.4 LU).
Loudness Std.
Range: BS.1770-2, Leq(K) or Cnt of Grav.
The Program Loudness measure is always root-
ed in the ITU-R BS.1770 loudness model. This
parameter sets measurement gating. Note that
the parameter only influences Program Loud-
ness, and not Sliding Loudness or Loudness
This setting reflects the latest revision of ITU-R
Relative gate at -10 LU, safety gate at -70 LUFS.
This setting reflects the original version of ITU-R
No measurement gate besides from at safety
gate at -70 LUFS, so the user doesn’t need to
precisely start and stop a measurement in order
to avoid bias from complete silence.
Cnt of Grav.
The standard setting from early versions of TC
radar meters.
Relative gate at -20 LU, safety gate at -70 LUFS.
International Standards
Note how the three Loudness Standard set-
tings generally return the same Program Loud-
ness result for Narrow Loudness Range (“NLR”)
programs, such as commercials and pop music,
but can differ significantly with Wide Loudness
Range (“WLR”) programs such as film, drama,
acoustical music etc.
For an update on international standards, check
for new versions of this manual, or download the
Loudness Glossary available at www.tcelectron-
This is the situation as of August, 2011:
Japan, Canada, Brazil, China, Europe and most
other countries specify the use of BS.1770-2 to
make Program Loudness perform well across