Installation guide – Veris Industries FSRxxxx SERIES Install User Manual
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FST1xxxx, FST2xxxx, and FST3xxxx Transducers
1. Place the flow meter in signal strength measuring mode. This value is available on
the display (Service Menu) or in the data display of the software utility.
2. The pipe surface, where the transducers are to be mounted, must be clean and dry.
Remove scale, rust or loose paint to ensure satisfactory acoustic conduction. Wire
brushing the rough surfaces of pipes to smooth bare metal may also be useful.
Plastic pipes do not require preparation other than cleaning.
3. Apply a single ½” (12 mm) bead of acoustic couplant grease to the top half of the
transducer and secure it to the pipe with bottom half or U-bolts.
4. Tighten the nuts so that the acoustic coupling grease begins to flow out from the
edges of the transducer and from the gap between the transducer and the pipe.
Do not over tighten.
4 - Startup
Initial Settings and Power Up
1. Apply power to the monitor.
2. Verify that SIG STR is greater than 5.0.
3. Input proper units of measure and I/O data.