Installation guide, Output tab, Channel 1 - 4-20 ma configuration – Veris Industries FSRxxxx SERIES Install User Manual
Page 31: Figure 5.5 - output tab

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Flow Filter (Damping) establishes a maximum adaptive filter value. Under stable flow
conditions, this adaptive filter increases the number of successive flow readings that
are averaged together up to this maximum value. If flow changes dramatically, the
filter adapts by decreasing the number of averaged readings and allows the meter to
react faster.
The damping value is increased to increase stability of the flow rate readings.
Damping values are decreased to allow the flow meter to react faster to changing
flow rates. The factory settings are suitable for most installations. Increasing this
value tends to provide smoother steady-state flow readings and outputs.
Flow Filter Hysteresis creates a window around the average flow measurement
reading, allowing small variations in flow without changing the damping value. If the
flow varies within that hysteresis window, greater display damping occurs up to the
maximum values set by the Flow Filter (Damping) entry. The filter also establishes a
flow rate window where measurements outside of the window are examined by the
Bad Data Rejection filter. The value is entered as a percentage of actual flow rate.
For example, if the average flow rate is 100 GPM and the Flow Filter Hysteresis is set
to 5%, a filter window of 95-105 GPM is established. Successive flow measurements
that are measured within that window are recorded and averaged in accordance with
the Flow Filter Damping setting. Flow readings outside of the window are held up in
accordance with the Bad Data Rejection filter.
Flow Filter MinHysteresis sets a minimum hysteresis window that is invoked at sub
0.25 FPS (0.08 MPS) flow rates, where the “of rate” Flow Filter Hysteresis is very small
and ineffective. This value is entered in picoseconds (ρsec) and is differential time. If
very small fluid velocities are to be measured, increase the Flow Filter MinHysteresis
value to increase reading stability.
Flow Filter Sensitivity allows configuration of how fast the Flow Filter Damping
adapts in the positive direction. Increasing this value allows greater damping to occur
faster than lower values. Adaptation in the negative direction is not user adjustable.
Bad Data Rejection is a value related to the number of successive readings that
must be measured outside of the Flow Filter Hysteresis or Flow Filter MinHysteresis
windows before the flow meter can use that flow value. Larger values are entered
into Bad Data Rejection when measuring liquids that contain gas bubbles, as the
gas bubbles tend to disturb the ultrasonic signals and cause more extraneous
flow readings to occur. Larger Bad Data Rejection values make the flow meter less
responsive to rapid changes in actual flow rate.
Output Tab
The entries made in the Output tab establish input and output parameters for the
flow meter. Select the appropriate function from the drop-down menu and press
the Download button. When a function is changed from the factory setting, a
Configuration error (1002) will result. Clear this error by resetting the microprocessor
from the Communications/Commands/Reset Target button or by power cycling the
flow meter.
File Open...
File Save...
System Configuration
Flow Filtering Output Security
Control Outputs
Channel 2:
Off <
Mode: Flow
Control 1
Mode: None
Control 2
4-20mA / Frequency
Channel 1:
Flow at 4mA / 0Hz:
Flow at 20mA / 1KHz:
4 mA
20 mA
Figure 5.5 - Output Tab
Channel 1 - 4-20 mA Configuration
Note: The 4-20 mA Output Menu applies to all models and is the only output choice for Channel 1
The Channel 1 menu controls how the 4-20 mA output is spanned for all models and
how the frequency output is spanned for the non-BTU flow model. The flow at 4 mA
/ 0 Hz and flow at 20 mA / 1,000 Hz settings set the span for both the 4-20 mA output
and the 0-1,000 Hz frequency output. These entries are volumetric rate units that are
equal to the volumetric units configured as rate units and rate interval discussed in
Part 4.
The 4-20 mA output is internally powered (current sourcing) and can span negative
to positive flow/energy rates. This output interfaces with virtually all recording and
logging systems by transmitting an analog current that is proportional to system
flow rate. Independent 4 mA and 20 mA span settings are established in firmware
using the flow measuring range entries. These entries can be set anywhere in the
-40 to +40 FPS (-12 to +12 MPS) range of the instrument. Resolution of the output
is 12-bits (4096 discrete points) and can drive up to a 400 Ω load when the meter is
AC powered. When powered by a DC supply, the load is limited by the input voltage
supplied to the instrument. See Figure 3.1 for allowable loop loads.
For example, to span the 4-20 mA output from -100 GPM to +100 GPM with 12 mA
being 0 GPM, set the Flow at 4 mA / 0 Hz and Flow at 20 mA / 1,000 inputs as follows:
Flow at 4 mA / 0 Hz = -100.0
Flow at 20 mA / 1,000 = 100.0
If the meter were a non-BTU meter, this setting also sets the span for the frequency
output. At -100 GPM, the output frequency is 0 Hz. At the maximum flow of 100 GPM,
the output frequency is 1,000 Hz, and in this instance a flow of zero is represented by
an output frequency of 500 Hz.