Installation guide, Flow tab, Filtering tab – Veris Industries FSRxxxx SERIES Install User Manual

Page 30: Figure 5.3 - flow tab, Figure 5.4 - filtering tab

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Flow Tab

Select flow rate units and a flow rate interval from the drop-down lists.



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System Configuration


Basic Flow Filtering Output Security



Flow Rate Units:




Totalizer Units:


Min Flow:




Max Flow:

Low Flow Cutoff:

Low Signal Cutoff:



Substitute Flow:




Figure 5.3 - Flow Tab

Totalizer Units are selected from drop-down lists. Select an appropriate totalizer unit
and totalizer exponent. The totalizer exponents are in scientific notation and permit
the eight digit totalizer to accumulate very large values before the totalizer “rolls
over” and starts again at zero. Table 4.4 illustrates the scientific notation values and
their respective decimal equivalents.

Min Flow is the minimum volumetric flow rate to establish filtering parameters.
Volumetric entries are in the flow rate units. For unidirectional measurements,
set Min Flow to zero. For bidirectional measurements, set Min Flow to the highest
negative (reverse) flow rate expected in the piping system.

Max Flow is the maximum volumetric flow rate to establish filtering parameters.
Volumetric entries are in the Flow Rate Units. For unidirectional measurements,
set Max Flow to the highest (positive) flow rate expected in the piping system.
For bidirectional measurements, set Max Flow to the highest (positive) flow rate
expected in the piping system.

Low Flow Cutoff is provided to allow very low flow rates (present when pumps are off
and valves are closed) to be displayed as zero flow. Typical values that are between
1.0% and 5.0% of the flow range between Min Flow and Max Flow.

Low Signal Cutoff is used to drive the flow meter and its outputs to the value
specified in the Substitute Flow field when conditions occur that cause low signal
strength. A signal strength below 5 is inadequate for measuring flow reliably, so the
minimum setting for Low Signal Cutoff is 5. A good practice is to set the Low Signal
Cutoff at approximately 60-70% of actual measured maximum signal strength.

Note: The factory default “Low Signal Cutoff” is 5.

If the measured signal strength is lower than the Low Signal Cutoff setting, a “Signal
Strength too Low” highlighted in red appears in the text area to the left in the Data
Display screen until the measured signal strength becomes greater than the cutoff

Signal strength indication below 2 is considered to be no signal at all. Verify that the
pipe is full of liquid, the pipe size and liquid parameters are entered correctly, and the
transducers are mounted accurately. Highly aerated liquids cause low signal strength

Substitute Flow is a value that the analog outputs and the flow rate display show to
indicate that an error condition in the flow meter has occured.

Substitute Flow is set as a percentage between Min Flow and Max Flow. In a
unidirectional system, this value is typically set to zero to indicate zero flow while
in an error condition. To calculate where to set the Substitute Flow value in a
bidirectional system, perform the following operation:

Substitute Flow = 100 - (100


max. flow) / (max. flow - min. flow)

Entry of data in the Basic and Flow tabs is all that is required to provide flow
measurement functions to the flow meter. If the user is not going to utilize input/
output functions, click on the Download button to transfer the configuration to the
meter. When the configuration has been completely downloaded, power cycle the
meter to guarantee the changes take effect.

Filtering Tab

The Filtering tab contains several filter settings for the flow meter. These filters
can be adjusted to match response times and data “smoothing” performance to a
particular application.



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System Configuration


Basic Flow Filtering Output Security


Flow Filter (Damping):



Time Domain Filter:


Advanced Filter Settings:

Flow Filter Hystersis:



Flow Filter Min Hystersis:


Bad Data Rejection:


Flow Filter Sensitivigy:


Factory Defaults

Figure 5.4 - Filtering Tab

Time Domain Filter (range 1-256) adjusts the number of raw data sets (the wave
forms viewed on the software Diagnostics Screen) that are averaged together.
Increasing this value provides greater damping of the data. Conversely, lowering this
value decreases the response time of the meter to changes in flow/energy rate.

Note: The meter completes a measurement in approximately 350-400 msec. The exact time is pipe
size dependant.