Installation guide, Quick install – Veris Industries FSRxxxx SERIES Install User Manual
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Alta Labs, Enercept, Enspector, Hawkeye, Trustat, Aerospond, Veris, and the Veris ‘V’ logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Veris Industries, L.L.C. in the USA and/or other countries.
This manual contains detailed operating instructions for all aspects of the FSR Series.
The following condensed instructions are provided to assist the operator in getting
the instrument started up and running as quickly as possible. This pertains to basic
operation only. If specific instrument features are to be used or if the installer is
unfamiliar with this type of instrument, refer to the appropriate section in the
manual for complete details.
Note: The following steps require information supplied by the meter itself, so it is necessary to
supply power to the unit, at least temporarily, to obtain setup information.
1 - Transducer Location
1. In general, select a mounting location on the piping system with a minimum of
10 pipe diameters (10x the pipe inside diameter) of straight pipe upstream and 5
straight diameters downstream. See Table 2.1 for additional configurations.
2. Select a mounting method for the transducers based on pipe size and liquid
characteristics. See Table 2.2. Transducer configurations are illustrated in Figure
Q.1 below. The V-mount configuration is usually the first choice, with W-mount
and Z-mount used if needed to boost signal strength.
Note: All FST1xxxx, FST2xxxx, and FST3xxxx transducers use V-Mount configuration.
3. Enter the following data into the meter via the integral keypad or the software
utility (if not entered by the factory)
1. Transducer mounting method
2. Pipe O.D. (Outside Diameter)
3. Pipe wall thickness
4. Pipe material
5. Pipe sound speed*
6. Pipe relative roughness*
7. Pipe liner thickness
8. Pipe liner material
9. Fluid type
10. Fluid sound speed*
11. Fluid viscosity*
12. Fluid specific gravity*
* Nominal values for these parameters are included within the operating system. Modify if the
exact system values are known.
Figure Q.1 - Transducer Mounting Configurations
4. Record the value calculated and displayed as Transducer Spacing (FST4, FST5 only).
2 - Electrical Connections
Transducer/Power Connections
1. Route the transducer cables from the transducer mounting location back to the
enclosure. Connect the transducer wires to the terminal block in the enclosure.
Note: Do not cut transducer cables to alter length. This will void the
factory warranty. Cables are available in several lengths. Assess the
installation location prior to ordering to determine the optimum
length. If the wrong length is ordered, contact the factory.
2. Verify that power supply is correct for the meters power option.
AC units require 95 to 265 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz @ 17 VA maximum. DC units
require 10 to 28 VDC @ 5 Watts maximum.
3. Connect power to the flow meter.
Figure Q.2 - Transducer Connections
3 - Pipe Preparation and Transducer Mounting
FST4xxxx, FST5xxxx Transducers
1. Place the flow meter in signal strength measuring mode. This value is available on
the display (Service Menu) or in the data display of the software utility.
2. The pipe surface, where the transducers are to be mounted, must be clean and dry.
Remove scale, rust or loose paint to ensure satisfactory acoustic conduction. Wire
brushing the rough surfaces of pipes to smooth bare metal may also be useful.
Plastic pipes do not require preparation other than cleaning.
3. Apply a single ½” (12 mm) bead of acoustic couplant grease to the upstream
transducer and secure it to the pipe with a mounting strap.
4. Apply acoustic couplant grease to the downstream transducer and press it onto
the pipe using hand pressure at the lineal distance calculated in Step 1.
5. Space the transducers according to the recommended values found on the product
configuration sheet or from the software utility. Secure the transducers with the
mounting straps at these locations.