Installation guide – Veris Industries FSRxxxx SERIES Install User Manual
Page 26

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5. SUB FLOW -- Substitute Flow (Value): 0.0 - 100.0
Substitute Flow (SUB FLOW) is a value that the analog outputs and the flow rate
display indicates when an error condition in the flow meter occurs. The typical setting
for this entry is a value that makes the instrument display zero flow during an error
Substitute flow is set as a percentage between MIN RATE and MAX RATE. In a
unidirectional system, this value is typically set to zero to indicate zero flow while in
an error condition. In a bidirectional system, the percentage can be set such that zero
is displayed in a error condition. To calculate where to set the substitute flow value in
a bidirectional system, perform the following calculation:
Substitute Flow = 100 - (100
max. flow) / (max. flow - min. flow)
Table 4.6 lists some typical settings to achieve “Zero” with respect to MIN RATE and
MAX RATE settings.
Min. Rte
Max. Rate
Sub Flow
Value Applied to
Signal Reading During
Table 4.6 - Sample Substitute Flow Readings
*The software utility is required to set values outside of 0.0-100.0.
6. SET ZERO -- Set Zero Flow Point (Choice): NO, YES
Because every flow meter installation is slightly different and sound waves can
travel in slightly different ways through these various installations, it is important to
remove the zero offset at zero flow to maintain the meter’s accuracy. A provision is
made using this entry to establish “Zero” flow and eliminate the offset.
1) The pipe must be full of liquid.
2) Flow must be absolute zero - securely close any valves and allow time for
any settling to occur.
3) Press ENTER, use the arrow ▲▼ keys to make the display read YES.
4) Press ENTER.
7. D-FLT 0 -- Set Default Zero Point (Choice): NO, YES
If the flow in a piping system cannot be shut off, allowing the SET ZERO procedure
described above to be performed or if an erroneous “zero” flow was captured - like
can happen if SET ZERO is conducted with flowing fluid, then the factory default zero
should be utilized. To utilize the D-FLT 0 function, simply press ENTER, then press an
arrow ▲▼ key to display YES on the display and then press ENTER.
The default zero places an entry of zero (0) into the firmware instead of the actual
zero offset entered by using the SET ZERO procedure.
8. COR FTR -- Correction Factor (Value): 0.500 - 1.500
This function is used to make the meter agree with a different or reference flow
meter by applying a correction factor or multiplier to the readings and outputs. A
factory calibrated system is set to 1.000. The range of settings for this entry is 0.500
to 1.500. The following examples describe two uses for the COR FTR entry.
1) The meter is indicating a flow rate that is 4% higher than another flow
meter located in the same pipe line. To make the D(X)TFX indicate the same
flow rate as the other meter, enter a COR FTR of 0.960 to lower the readings
by 4%.
2) An out-of-round pipe, carrying water, causes the meter to indicate a
measured sound speed that is 7.4% lower than the Table 4.5 value. This pipe
condition causes the flow meter to indicate flow rates that are 7.4% lower
than actual flow. To correct the flow readings, enter 1.074.