2 advanced search fields types, 3 search in free text fields, Autocomplete function – EVS IPDirector IPD XEDIO PLUGIN Version 6.0 - January 2013 User Manual User Manual

Page 41: Free text search syntax rules, Advanced search fields types, Search in free text fields

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IPD Xedio Plugin Version 6.0 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2013

Issue 6.0.B


5.4.2 Advanced Search Fields Types

Different types of search fields exist:

free text fields: search data can be entered directly in these fields.


in most of the cases, no button is available next to the field, e.g. Name field.


Keywords and Participants search fields

field with an option list: an arrow giving access to a list of options is available on the
right of the field, e.g. Level field.

field with a complex filter button on the right of the field giving access to a Select
Filter Condition window to define specific search values, e.g. Status field, Keywords

5.4.3 Search in Free Text Fields

Autocomplete Function

The Autocomplete function is a help service for the capture of search string. The
Autocomplete function is enabled during searches in free text search fields, for quick text
search or advanced search.

The Autocomplete list displayed under free text search fields of the Advanced Search
filters is limited compared to the one shown under the Quick Text Search field. No last
search or popular search will be proposed.

Only indexed words

will be listed under free text fields other than Keywords or

Participants fields.

Only keywords

will be listed under the Keywords field.

Only participants keywords

will be listed under the Participants field.

Free Text Search Syntax Rules

The string that you enter in the free text field of an Advanced Search filter is analyzed
according to the same set of rules as in the Quick Text Search. Refer to section 5.3.4
‘Quick Text Search Syntax Rules’ on
page 27 for details on these rules.

In addition, the “?” operator can be used in the LSM ID column. This means “any
character in place of the ?”