3 extending or shortening a clip, Definition and variations, Procedure – EVS IPDirector IPD XEDIO PLUGIN Version 6.0 - January 2013 User Manual User Manual

Page 144: Extending or shortening a clip, On 8.9.3 ‘extending or shortening a clip, N 8.9.3 ‘extending or shortening a clip

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Issue 6.0.B

IPD Xedio Plugin Version 6.0 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2013


8.9.3 Extending or Shortening a Clip

Definition and Variations

The Extend function shortens or extends the duration of an element or a clip to a mark IN
or mark OUT defined, using the content of the original media if available.

If the original media does not include additional material, this will not be possible to
extend the selected elements or clip.

You can perform one of the following actions:

Extend the IN point of a clip

Extend the OUT point of a clip

Shorten the IN point of a clip

Shorten the OUT point of a clip

How to Extend or Shorten a Clip Using the
Extend Button


To extend or shorten selected elements or clip, proceed as follows:

1. If required, change the Overwrite or Insert mode clicking the


2. Depending on whether you want to extend or shorten the selected elements or clip on

its IN or OUT point, do one of the following:

a. To extend the IN point, place a mark IN before the IN point to be extended.

b. To extend the OUT point, place a mark OUT after the OUT point to be extended.

c. To shorten the IN point, place a mark IN after the IN point to be shortened.

d. To shorten the OUT point, place a mark OUT before the OUT point to be


3. Select the elements or clip to be extended or shortened.

4. Click the Extend button


The IN or OUT point of the elements or clip that had to be extended or shortened has
been moved and the possible additional material has been retrieved from the original


If there are both, an IN and an OUT point on the edit, a popup window will ask
the operator to choose to which mark he wants to extend the element selected.