3 scale bar and move bar, Scale bar, Move bar – EVS IPDirector IPD XEDIO PLUGIN Version 6.0 - January 2013 User Manual User Manual

Page 101: 4 reference positions on the timeline display, Overview, Scale bar and move bar, Reference positions on the timeline display, On 7.5.4, 3 ‘scale bar and move bar

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IPD Xedio Plugin Version 6.0 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2013

Issue 6.0.B


7.5.3 Scale Bar and Move Bar

Scale Bar

The Scale bar, located below the timeline display on the right hand side, makes it
possible to zoom in and out on the timeline:

To zoom in, drag the slider to the left or rotate the mouse wheel down.

To zoom out, drag the slider to the right or rotate the mouse wheel up.

Move Bar

The Move bar, located below the timeline display on the left hand side, makes it possible
to move within the timeline when the whole timeline is not displayed in the timeline pane
at the defined scale.

7.5.4 Reference Positions on the Timeline



The following marks can be placed to define a specific position in the timeline and to be
used in editing operations: